
energypolicy.columbia.edu | 1
October 2023
While the US and European medias have dedicated signicant bandwidth to the topic of low-
carbon hydrogen in the United States and Europe, they have reported far less on unfolding
developments around that topic in China. This disparity is especially notable because China
stands as the foremost global player in hydrogen production and consumption.1 The country’s
substantial market size and extensive industrial infrastructure not only facilitate fast technological
advancements in the hydrogen space, but also oer the potential to achieve economies of scale—
two developments that can signicantly inuence the global hydrogen market landscape. In light
of these circumstances, it is essential to understand China’s hydrogen strategy, including how the
country plans to start decarbonizing its current hydrogen consumption and expand future use
and production.
A notable feature of China’s hydrogen strategy is that it is not, in fact, singular, but instead
comprised of a national strategy and a multitude of regional strategies. Since the release of
China’s Medium and Long-Term Strategy for the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry
(2021–2035) (referred to as “the National Plan”) in March 2022,2 there has been signicant
development in the country’s hydrogen space. However, the National Plans targets for renewable
hydrogen production may appear conservative given the scale of hydrogen consumption in the
country: a range of 100,000 to 200,000 tons per year by 2025 represents only 0.3 to 0.6 percent
of the 33 million tons (Mt) of fossil-based hydrogen consumed in China in 2020.3 (For context, in
2022, electrolytic hydrogens production level was still below 100,000 tons globally, and as of early
2023 about 4.5 Mt of renewable hydrogen globally by 2025 has been committed to, planned, and
This commentary represents the research and views of the authors. It does not necessarily
represent the views of the Center on Global Energy Policy. The piece may be subject to
further revision.
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discretion in how it allocates these funds. More information is available at www.energypolicy.
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China’s Hydrogen Strategy:
National vs. Regional Plans
By Yushan Lou and Anne-Sophie Corbeau
2 | energypolicy.columbia.edu
October 2023
announced.4 Some regions appear more bullish, including the EU with its aspirational renewable
hydrogen target of up to 1 Mt by 2024.5) By contrast, provinces, cities, and municipalities across
China have introduced their own hydrogen development plans that establish far more ambitious
renewable hydrogen goals. Hence, the provincial plans viewed together may oer a more accurate
picture of China’s hydrogen industry over the coming decades than the National Plan.
This commentary analyzes these somewhat divergent national and local hydrogen strategies
comparatively to provide a nuanced understanding of China’s evolving hydrogen landscape. Its key
ndings are as follows:
The targets of China’s provinces combined are far more ambitious than its national targets,
with Inner Mongolia leading the way. The latter province is aiming to reach 480,000 tons of
renewable hydrogen production per year by 2025 (2.5 to 5 times the national target). China
may have set a conservative national renewable hydrogen target to test the waters, allowing
local governments to charge ahead.
Inner Mongolia could reach around 60 percent of its 2025 target based on projects that are
currently under construction (and excluding those still in the planning stage, which may or
may not materialize). This region alone would largely meet the national target for renewable
hydrogen. While the provincestargets may not be fully met, they provide a more realistic view
of what China can accomplish.
Though climate mitigation is certainly one key underlying driver of China’s hydrogen strategy,
industrial and economic motivations seem more prominent in the short term. China has
placed less emphasis on carbon intensity than the EU and the US, as evidenced by the Chinese
government’s lack of a formal denition of renewable hydrogen.
An Overview of China’s Hydrogen Landscape
China holds a substantial share of global hydrogen production, contributing roughly one-third of
total output at around 33 Mt per year.6 This production heavily relies on fossil fuels (79 percent)—
and about 21 percent of it originates as industrial by-product—resulting in 360 Mt of CO2 emissions.7
Meanwhile, the contribution of renewable hydrogen remains marginal, accounting for less than 0.1
percent of production.8 As shown in Figure 1, China’s industrial sector plays a pivotal role in driving
the country’s hydrogen consumption.9
energypolicy.columbia.edu | 3
October 2023
Figure 1: China’s hydrogen production and sectoral consumption (2020)
Hydrogen production Hydrogen consumption
Source: Adapted from International Energy Agency (IEA), “Opportunities for Hydrogen Production with
CCUS in China,” November 2022, https://iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/9c01430d-9e8f-4707-862c-
Rather than evenly distributed across the country, hydrogen production in China is concentrated
in the northwest and northeastern regions (see Figure 2). The highest production levels are in the
Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia (hereafter “Inner Mongolia”) and Shandong, each of which
accounts for more than 4 Mt per year, followed by Xinjiang, Shaanxi, and Shanxi, at more than 3 Mt
per year.
(7 Mt/y)
(<0.1 Mt/y)
Natural gas
(5 Mt/y)
(21 Mt/y)
(5 Mt/y)
(8-9 Mt/y)
(7-9 Mt/y)
(10-11 Mt/y)
(0.02 Mt/y)

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