
Semiconductor Practice
New silicon carbide
prospects emerge as market
adapts to EV expansion
Rising electric-vehicle adoption is boosting demand for crucial silicon carbide
power electronics components. How can semiconductor players, automotive
OEMs, and others create value amid disruption?
October 2023
This article is a collaborative eort by Albert Brothers, Ondrej Burkacky, Julia Dragon, Jo Kakarwada,
Abhijit Mahindroo, Jwalit Patel, and Anupama Suryanarayanan, representing views from McKinsey’s
Semiconductor Practice.
The electric-vehicle (EV) market is estimated to
grow at a 20 percent CAGR through 2030, when
sales of xEVs are estimated to reach 64 million—
four times the estimated EV sales volume in 2022.1
Ensuring the EV component supply is sufficient to
meet this rapid rise in estimated demand is critical,
and the supply of silicon carbide (SiC) merits special
consideration. Our analysis shows that compared to
their silicon-based counterparts,2 SiC metal-oxide-
semiconductor field-effect-transistors (MOSFETs)3
used in EV powertrains (primarily inverters, but also
DCDC converters and onboard chargers)4 provide
higher switching frequency, thermal resistance, and
breakdown voltage. These differences contribute
to higher efficiency (extended vehicle range) and
lower total system cost (reduced battery capacity
and thermal management requirements) for the
powertrain. These benefits are amplified at the
higher voltages needed for battery electric vehicles
(BEVs), which are expected to account for most EVs
produced by 2030.
In this article, we will examine how SiC manufacturers,
automotive OEMs, and others can seize the oppor-
tunities inherent in the projected EV market growth
urge to create value and gain competitive advantages.
1 Based on data from the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility.
2 That is, silicon insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs).
3 A MOSFET is an electronically controlled switch.
4 An inverter is a device that converts DC power from the EV battery to AC supply for the EV motor.
5 Excluding subsidies. With subsidies, TCO is already at parity between EVs and ICE vehicles.
Extensive market growth projected for
EVs and SiC by 2030
Between 2018 and 2022, projections for EVs’ share
of the global light-vehicle market in 2030 increased
3.8 times, from around 17 million to 64 million units
(Exhibit 1). This growth has been fueled by the
expectation that EVs will reach total cost of owner-
ship (TCO) parity with internal-combustion vehicles
(ICEs) in many countries by 2024 or 2025,5 as well
as by the regulatory actions taken and invest ments
made in EVs and charging infrastructure as part of
the push to meet net-zero targets.
The SiC device market, valued at around $2 billion
today, is projected to reach $11 billion to $14 billion
in 2030, growing at an estimated 26 percent CAGR
(Exhibit 2). Given the spike in EV sales and SiC’s
compelling suitability for inverters, 70 percent of SiC
demand is expected to come from EVs. China, where
anticipated EV demand is highest, is projected to
drive around 40 percent of the overall demand for
SiC in EV production.
Across EVs, the type of powertrain—BEV, hybrid
electric vehicle (HEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
(PHEV), 400-volt, or 800-volt—determines the
Ensuring the EV component supply
is sucient to meet this rapid rise in
estimated demand is critical, and the
supply of silicon carbide merits special
2New silicon carbide prospects emerge as market adapts to EV expansion
Exhibit 1
Web <2023>
Exhibit <1> of <8>
Global light-vehicle sales, million units (% share) Prior xEV1 market forecasts, million units
Note: Figures may not sum, because of rounding.
1xEV includes battery electric vehicles (BEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).
2Internal-combustion engine.
Source: McKinsey Center for Future Mobility
The push to achieve net-zero objectives has accelerated the pace of
electric-vehicle adoption.
McKinsey & Company
Series 2
Current projection
2021 projection
(~42 million units)
2020 projection
(~30 million units)
2019 projection
(~20 million units)
2018 projection
(~17 million units)
(35%) 64
2022 projection
(~58 million units)
The SiC device market, valued at around
$2 billion today, is projected to reach $11
billion to $14 billion in 2030, growing at
an estimated 26 percent CAGR.
3New silicon carbide prospects emerge as market adapts to EV expansion

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