
Remanufacturing, refurbishment, repair
and direct reuse in the circular economy
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The full report should be referenced as follows: IRP (2018). Re-dening Value – The Manufacturing
Revolution. Remanufacturing, Refurbishment, Repair and Direct Reuse in the Circular Economy.
Nabil Nasr, Jennifer Russell, Stefan Bringezu, Stefanie Hellweg, Brian Hilton, Cory Kreiss, and Nadia
von Gries. A Report of the International Resource Panel. United Nations Environment Programme,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Design and layout: UNESCO
Printed by: UNESCO
Cover design: Alex Tong
Copyright © United Nations Environment Programme, 2018.
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Job Number: DTI/2200/PA
ISBN: 978-92-807-3720-2
Lead Author: N.Z. Nasr; Authors: Prof. N.Z. Nasr (Rochester Institute of Technology, US), J.D. Russell
(Rochester Institute of Technology, US).
Contributors: C. Kreiss (Rochester Institute of Technology, US), B. Hilton (Rochester Institute of
Technology,US), S. Hellweg (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), S. Bringezu (University of Kassel, Germany), and
N. von Gries (Wuppertal Institute, Germany). The authors of this report thank the following additional
individuals for their contributions and/or expert perspectives: M. Thurston (Rochester Institute of
Technology, US), M. Haselkorn (Rochester Institute of Technology, US), K. Parnell (Rochester Institute of
Technology, US), H. Schewtschenko (Rochester Institute of Technology, US), A. Yoder (Rochester Institute
of Technology, US), Y. Umeda (University of Tokyo, Japan), S. Yang (Advanced Remanufacturing and
Technology Centre, Singapore) and E. Hertwich (Yale University).
The leadership provided by the Golisano Institute for Sustainability was an essential factor in the successful
completion of this research. Significant contribution to this effort was supported by data collection and the
US workshops conducted as part of financial assistance award #70NANB15H072 from the US Department
of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), part of a grant program for Advanced
Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech), entitled Technology Roadmap for Remanufacturing in the
Circular Economy (Nasr et al., 2017).
Workshops conducted in Germany and China provided incredible value to the development of this report
and would not have been possible without the support and collaboration provided by Z. Nukusheva, B.
Zhu, M. Jiang, L. Templar, S. Butzer, and R. Steinhilper. Additional sincere thanks are extended to all
participants who traveled to Berlin and Beijing to offer perspective, insight and expertise on the current
state of industry, and the barriers to growth and acceleration. In addition, this work was strengthened by
the contributions of participants at the workshop “Promoting Remanufacturing, Refurbishment, Repair and
Direct Reuse as a contribution to the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency” (February 2017) in Brussels,
which was co-organized by the European Commission and the International Resource Panel, with the
support of the 2017 Italian Presidency of the G7.
Helpful data, insight, collaboration and comments were received from several industry members during the
data collection and analysis processes conducted by J.D. Russell and C.C. Kreiss, together with oversight
from N.Z. Nasr. The preparation of this report also benefitted from discussions with several colleagues,
although the main responsibility for report content and conclusions will remain with the authors. This report
contains and represents a significant contribution from J.D. Russell’s dissertation under the supervision of
Prof. Nabil Nasr., for which this assessment work was a primary sponsor.
This report was written under the auspices of the International Resource Panel (IRP) of the United
Nations Environment Programme. We are very grateful to the Peer-review coordinator Ester van der Voet
and reviewers who provided valuable comments to the report: Aldert Hanemaaijer (PBL Netherlands
Environmental Assessment Agency, The Netherlands), Amel Akremi (Ministry of Local Affairs and
Environment, Tunisia), Arnold Tukker (Leiden University-CML, The Netherlands), Conny Bakker (TU Delft,
The Netherlands), Christoph Velte (Bayreuth University, Germany), Darya Gerasimenko (Samara (State
Aerospace) University (SSAU), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland), David
Lazarevic (Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Finland), Geoffrey P. Hammond (University of Bath, UK),
Göran Finnveden (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Ken Webster (Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
UK), Levent Kurnaz (Bogazici University, Turkey), Markus A. Reuter (Helmholtz Association, Germany),
Philippe Bihouix (Momentum Institute, France), Rolf Steinhilper (Bayreuth University, Germany), Sana
Essaber Jouini (ISCAE-University of Manouba, Tunisia), Sanjeevan Bajaj (Federation of Indian Chambers
of Commerce and Industry, India), Steve Evans (University of Cambridge, UK), Valerie Thomas (Georgia

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