
The Voluntary Carbon
Market: Climate Finance
at an Inflection Point
In collaboration with
Bain & Company
1 The need for a well-functioning voluntary carbon market
2 The carbon market is at an inflection point
3 Five key recommendations to scale responsible engagement in the carbon market
4 Building and evolving the credit portfolio over time
Cover: Gettyimages/weerapatkiatdumrong
Inside: Gettyimages/Andriy Onufriyenko
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The Voluntary Carbon Market: Climate Finance at an Inflection Point 2
The Voluntary Carbon Market:
Climate Finance at an Inflection Point
January 2023
The corporate net-zero imperative: accelerating
decarbonization and investing in nature.
The science is clear: the world must reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 to limit
global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.1
Mitigation plans must reduce emissions across
company operations and value chains, while
investing in nature in parallel. According to the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the net CO2 emissions from land use, land-
use change and forestry contributed to around
10% of global emissions between 2010 and
2019.2 Deforestation is responsible for nearly 15%
of global CO2 emissions.3 Failure to invest in nature
and to prevent or reverse natural loss increases
global emissions.
Natural climate solutions can provide one-third of
the mitigation required by 2030 to achieve global
climate goals and are some of the few solutions that
are ready today for carbon removal.4 Conserving
natural carbon sinks has significant benefits beyond
emissions reduction: around 350 million people
rely directly on forests for more than 20% of their
income,5 and 80% of terrestrial species reside in
tropical forests.6
This means governments and businesses must
continue to commit to and implement direct
decarbonization policies and actions that align with
the pace of decarbonization required by science.
For companies, it means acting on the following
critical levers:7
Direct mitigation by decarbonizing Scope 1, 2
and 3 emissions at a pace consistent with limiting
warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
Investing in the protection and restoration of
ecosystems beyond the emissions reductions
in their own operations; for example, through
high-integrity carbon credits and investment in
nature-positive projects.
Purchasing high-quality carbon credits from
projects that remove and sequester carbon from
the atmosphere to balance out truly unavoidable
emissions at net zero.
The voluntary carbon market (VCM) is expected
to have channelled more than $1.2 billion in
investment flows over 2022, helping to mitigate
about 161 megatonnes (Mt) of carbon emissions8
but it is at an inflection point, and it has come under
greater scrutiny. Is it working to deliver the promised
outcomes? Should companies invest as part of their
corporate decarbonization strategies? How can such
investment be directed in a nature-positive direction
with integrity and impact? What is the best way to
scale such investments?
This briefing paper provides an insight into the critical
challenges delaying the market from achieving scale
as well as an initial set of recommendations that
corporate leaders can adopt and support to address
these challenges as part of a decarbonization
agenda. The paper serves as the basis for further
dialogue to pave the way for wider action in 2023.
The Voluntary Carbon Market: Climate Finance at an Inflection Point 3

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