
1 | PwC Emissions trading systems
Emissions trading systems:
The opportunities ahead
The costs and effects of carbon are a
growing global concern. Large emitters
now are faced with the challenge of how to
price carbon and account for its impact.
2 | PwC Emissions trading systems
In November 2021, nearly 200 countries will meet in Glasgow for the 26th UN
Climate Change Conference of the Parties, or COP26, to once again assess the
effects of our warming planet on people’s livelihoods and the measures needed
to adapt to and mitigate climate change. The reduction of carbon emissions
and how to reach net zero is the agenda. Many think that the progress since the
2015 Paris Agreement was signed has been too little and too slow.
When emission targets were first set after the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol
in 2005, the European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) came into
effect, and today accounts for 40% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.
The EU ETS covers Europe’s biggest emitters—including power plants, steel
manufacturers, cement makers and domestic aviation—and has proposed
expanding to cover road transport and maritime. This year, the number of
emission credits issued by the EU ETS will decline further, which is likely to
drive the price of carbon higher and force more ambitious reduction targets on
the companies in the system.
The EU ETS has had significant success. Its cap-and-trade model resulted in
a 35% drop in carbon emissions in Europe from 2005–19, despite a fluctuating
price for carbon that saw it drop as low as zero in 2008. Emissions reductions
have accelerated over time, falling 9.1% in 2019 and a further 12% in 2020.
One continuing concern, however, is the lack of international financial reporting
standards outlining how carbon allowances should be recorded in corporate
financial statements. This is more relevant today because of the increased need
for transparency and accountability when it comes to adopting measures that
will get us to net zero.
Because we believe the EU ETS can be used as a template for other countries
and regions, it is more important than ever that companies and their investors
recognise the value of their assets in a way that is comparable, particularly as
the price of carbon is volatile. Carbon recently hit a record high of more than
€60 per tonne, and the price is expected to rise further over time.
This report is in two parts. The first looks at the important role the EU ETS
plays on the way to achieving global net zero. The second part reports and
comments on the results of a survey of 25 large companies operating in the
EU ETS today. It is a follow-up to a survey we conducted in 2007 about how
companies are using the system. It reviews the accounting practices that
companies employ to ensure that their balance sheets adequately reflect their
carbon credits and, in so doing, their asset values. It also lays out examples of
how credits can be accounted for in a changing world.
We hope that this analysis proves useful to business leaders who are
considering or who have established their organisation’s path to net zero.
Henry Daubeney
Global Chief Accountant
and Head of Reporting
International Limited
Dirk Forrister
President & CEO
International Emissions
Trading Association (IETA)
3 | PwC Emissions trading systems3 | PwC Emissions trading systems
04 Executive summary
06 Key survey findings
08 Part one: Accounting for carbon emissions
15 Part two: Survey results
20 Conclusion
21 Accounting approaches for the EU ETS and equivalent emissions trading
schemes—PwC view
26 Appendix: Survey methodology
27 Contacts

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