
Climate and Development: An Agenda for Action
Climate and Development: An Agenda for Action
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Cover design: Brad Amburn
Climate and Development: An Agenda for Action
1. Contents
Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Country Climate and Development Reports: integrating climate change and development ............. 7
2. Climate change poses a major threat to long-term development objectives .................................... 10
2.1. Climate change has widespread, deep, and cascading effects across most sectors .......................................... 10
2.2. Boosting resilience and adaptation is an urgent and integral part of development and poverty reduction,
especially in low-income countries ...................................................................................................................................13
2.3. Even with adaptation, successful development and poverty reduction require accelerated mitigation action,
especially from high-income countries and large emitters ............................................................................................. 19
3. Climate objectives can be achieved without compromising development ........................................ 21
3.1. Structural change and supportive policy environments are needed for successful and just climate action ......... 21
3.2. Sectoral transitions with private sector mobilization create opportunities to reduce GHG emissions while
contributing to development ..............................................................................................................................................22
3.3. Most countries can follow development pathways that align with a just transition and the Paris Agreement
without major trade-offs .................................................................................................................................................... 33
4. Success requires urgent policy reforms and increased financial support from the international
community ................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1. Innovative climate finance solutions to meet additional investment needs ......................................................... 39
4.2. Consider the political economy in policy design ......................................................................................................45
4.3. Building institutional capacity and improving governance and decision making ................................................46
4.4. Accelerated innovation and scaling up key technologies for adaptation and mitigation ..................................... 47
4.5. A just transition: preventing and managing impacts on people and communities .............................................. 49
5. Prioritization and sequencing: a requisite for success ......................................................................... 51
5.1. Prioritizing what is good for development or urgent to achieve climate goals ......................................................51
5.2. Main recommendations in the CCDRs...................................................................................................................... 52
6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 55
CBAM Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
CCAP Climate Change Action Plan
CCDR Country Climate and Development Report
CPAT Climate Policy Assessment Tool
CSA climate-smart agriculture
DRM disaster risk management
EU European Union
EV electric vehicle
GDP gross domestic product
GHG greenhouse gas
GRID Green, Resilient, and Inclusive Development
HIC high-income country
LIC low-income country
LMIC lower-middle-income country
M&E monitoring and evaluation
MANAGE (World Bank’s) Mitigation, Adaptation, and New Technologies Applied General Equilibrium
MFMod (World Bank’s) Macro-Fiscal Model
MIC middle-income country
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
O&M operations and maintenance
SME small and medium-sized enterprise
SOE state-owned enterprise
UMIC upper-middle-income countries

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