
Getting to Net Zero:
Increasing Clean Electrification
by Empowering Demand
Executive summary
1 Digital technology is the fundamental enabler of a resilient net-
zero grid
Mandate 1 Digital technology in the distribution grid must be
harnessed to accommodate more decarbonized
energy while augmenting capacity and resilience
Mandate 2 Smart grid technology must be leveraged to
make demand flexible to increase grid resilience
and allow greater use of renewable energy
Mandate 3 Existing grid architecture requires a digital
upgrade to ensure resilience and sustainability
2 New business models will make a net-zero grid affordable
Mandate 4 Both old and new players must be empowered
to contribute fully to accelerate the transition to a
net-zero grid
Mandate 5 Interoperability and data transparency will be
critical to providing new net-zero market signals
Mandate 6 New business models should transfer capital
expenditures and risk from smaller players to
financial providers, effectively crowdsourcing for a
net-zero grid, by making it affordable and attractive
3 A new comprehensive system governance model will be vital to
ensuring a seamless and resilient net-zero grid
Mandate 7 Economic reform must ensure all future
investment is dedicated to a net-zero future
Mandate 8 An official system architect function is required
with the competence and authority to oversee
an integrated net-zero system
Mandate 9 Progress against the Paris Agreement’s nationally
determined contributions and the UN Sustainable
Development Goals must be tracked
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Getting to Net Zero: Increasing Clean Electrification by Empowering Demand 2
The year 2021 is a momentous year for humankind,
with decisions hanging in the balance that may
impact life on earth for centuries to come.
The COVID-19 pandemic serves as a sobering
reminder that our survival and well-being on this
planet depend on working together. People have
risen to the occasion as never before as a global
community, collaborating to develop multiple
life-saving vaccines in under a year – a historical
breakthrough. Now is the time to apply that
attitude of heroic solidarity to one of the greatest
challenges of our century: climate change.
The year began in that spirit, with announcements
of more ambitious climate targets from every major
world leader. Yet, following a brief period in 2020
when global carbon emissions sank by 5.8%, the
International Energy Agency (IEA) has predicted that
2021 will see the second biggest emissions rise
in history, as vast portions of stimulus funds flow
into fossil fuels to jump-start economic recovery.1
In the meantime, the August 2021 Sixth Assessment
Report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change issues a very clear warning: current
climate measures are inadequate both in scope
and speed to meet the Paris Agreement target of
limiting global warming to 1.5°C and avert a climate
outcome with severe consequences for humanity.2
We have a few remaining years to act to complete
the energy transition and build a new green economy
based on net-zero carbon technologies. We must
act swiftly, decisively and inclusively. For climate
action to work for anyone, it must work for everyone.
Clean electrification is a global priority in
the race to net zero.
The IEA announced clean electrification as a top
investment priority for reaching net zero by 2050.3
The clean electrification of transport, heating in
buildings and industry would eradicate fully 73.2%
of global emissions,4 moving society considerably
closer to a net-zero future. “Clean” depends first
and foremost on completing the transition from
fossil fuels to renewable energy in our power grids.
We must ensure that the power grid serves as the
resilient and reliable principal source of electricity
the world will depend on for its net-zero future.
Demand-side management holds a hidden
key to the net-zero grid.
US President Biden recently proposed a Clean
Energy Standard, which will require 100% zero-
carbon generation in every state in the United States
by 2035, 80% by 2030.5
Yet, the shift to clean energy generation alone
will not suffice to achieve net-zero electricity.
Electricity grids were designed to deliver a
flow of reliable electricity to users. Renewable
sources like wind and solar provide a variable
supply. Grid infrastructure needs to evolve to fully
capture and utilize such renewable energy. This
means incorporating new digital technologies
that can make the demand flexible enough to
accommodate the fluctuations in generation.
Technology is ready to meet that challenge.
Both hardware and software technologies are
available that would enable us to optimize both
the capture of clean energy and its delivery to
consumers and businesses. What is missing
now are the market mechanisms and governance
to allow those technologies to be deployed fully
and to make a new net-zero grid infrastructure
economically viable.
This report, published under the auspices of the
World Economic Forum Global Future Council
on Clean Electrification, invites policy-makers,
regulators and investors to focus greater attention
on the user side of the electricity system. It presents
the technology, business models and system
governance necessary to unlock flexible demand in
the grid infrastructure to achieve a net-zero grid.
Amina Hamidi
Chief Technology Officer,
Electrification, ABB,
Philip New
Chief Executive Officer,
Energy Systems Catapult,
United Kingdom
Getting to Net Zero: Increasing Clean Electrification by Empowering Demand 3

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