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Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles
Supporting environmentally and socially sustainable economic activity
Sustainability Linked
Loan Principles
Ye ars
in the
March 2022Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles
1. Please see Appendix 1 for a list of examples of the categories of KPIs in relation to
sustainability-linked loans.
2. The Green Loan Principles are available at: https://www.lma.eu.com/application/
3. The Social Loan Principles are available at: https://www.lma.eu.com/application/
Sustainability-linked loans aim to facilitate and
support environmentally and socially sustainable eco-
nomic activity and growth. The Sustainability-Linked
Loan Principles (SLLP) have been developed by an expe-
rienced working party, consisting of representatives
from leading financial institutions active in the global
syndicated loan markets.
The goal of the SLLP is to promote the development
and preserve the integrity of the sustainability-linked
loan product by providing guidelines which capture the
fundamental characteristics of these loans. In doing so,
the purpose of the SLLP is to promote sustainable
development more generally. The SLLP are voluntary
recommended guidelines, to be applied by market par-
ticipants on a deal-by-deal basis depending on the un-
derlying characteristics of the transaction.
The sustainability-linked loan product enables
lenders to incentivise the sustainability performance of
the borrower.
The SLLP are intended for broad use by the market,
providing a framework within which the flexibility of the
loan product can be maintained, and will be reviewed on
a regular basis in light of the development and growth of
sustainability-linked loans.
Sustainability-Linked Loan Definition
Sustainability-linked loans are any types of loan instruments
and/or contingent facilities (such as bonding lines, guarantee
lines or letters of credit) which incentivise the borrowers achieve-
ment of ambitious, predetermined sustainability performance
objectives. The borrower’s sustainability performance is meas-
ured using predefined sustainability performance targets (SPTs),
as measured by predefined key performance indicators (KPIs),
which may comprise or include external ratings and/or equiva-
lent metrics1, and which measure improvements in the borrow-
ers sustainability profile.
The use of proceeds in relation to a sustainability-linked loan is
not a determinant in its categorisation and, in most instances,
sustainability-linked loans will be used for general corporate
purposes. Instead of determining specific uses of proceeds,
sustainability-linked loans look to improve the borrowers sus-
tainability profile by aligning loan terms to the borrower’s perfor-
mance against the relevant predetermined SPTs. For example,
sustainability-linked loans will often align the borrowers perfor-
mance to margin redetermination over the life of the sustainabil-
ity-linked loan.
In some instances, a loan may be structured to allow for its cat-
egorisation as both a green loan, aligned with the Green Loan
Principles2, and a sustainability-linked loan, or as both a social
loan, aligned with the Social Loan Principles3, and a sustainabil-
ity-linked loan
Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles
– Core Components
The SLLP set out a framework, enabling all market participants to
clearly understand the characteristics of a sustainability-linked
loan, based around the following five core components:
1. Selection of KPIs
2. Calibration of SPTs
3. Loan Characteristics
4. Reporting
5. Verification
The borrower of a sustainability-linked loan should clearly
communicate to its lenders its rationale for the selection of its
KPI(s) (i.e. relevance, materiality) and the motivation for the
SPT(s) (i.e. ambition level, consistency with overall sustainability
objectives as set out in its sustainability strategy, benchmarking
approach and how the borrower intends to reach such SPTs).
Borrowers are encouraged to position this information within
the context of their overarching objectives, strategy, policy
and/or processes relating to sustainability. Borrowers are also
encouraged to disclose to lenders any sustainability standards or
certifications to which they are seeking to conform.
Selection of KPIs
Sustainability-linked loans look to improve the bor-
rowers sustainability profile over the term of the loan. They
do so by aligning loan terms to the borrowers performance
which is measured using one or more sustainability KPIs
that can be external and/or internal.
The credibility of the sustainability-linked loan market
will rest on the selection of the KPI(s). It is important to the
success of this instrument to avoid the proliferation of KPIs
that are not credible.
The KPIs should be material to the borrower’s core
sustainability and business strategy, and address relevant
environmental, social and/or governance (ESG) challenges
of the industry sector.
The KPIs should be:
relevant, core and material to the borrowers overall
business, and of high strategic significance to the
borrowers current and/or future operations;
measurable or quantifiable on a consistent
methodological basis; and
able to be benchmarked, i.e. as much as possible using
an external reference or definitions to facilitate the
assessment of the SPT’s level of ambition.
A clear definition of the KPI(s) should be provided and
should include the applicable scope or parameters, as
well as the calculation methodology, a definition of a
baseline and be benchmarked against an industry
standard where feasible.
Calibration of SPTs
The process for calibration of the SPT(s) per KPI is
key to the structuring of sustainability-linked loans, since it will
be the expression of the level of ambition the borrower is
ready to commit to.
The SPTs should be set in good faith and remain relevant
(so long as they apply) throughout the life of the loan – one of
the aims of sustainability-linked loans is to encourage ambi-
tious, positive change through incentives and this should form
the basis of target setting.4
The SPTs should be ambitious, i.e.:
represent a material improvement in the respective KPIs
and be beyond a “Business as Usual” trajectory;
where possible be compared to a benchmark or an
external reference;
be consistent with the borrowers overall sustainability/
ESG strategy; and
be determined on a predefined timeline, set before or
concurrently with the origination of the loan.
Market participants recognise that any targets should be
based on recent performance levels and be based on a
combination of benchmarking approaches::
the borrowers own performance over time, for which a
minimum of 3 years, where feasible, of measurement
track record on the selected KPI(s) is recommended; and
the borrower’s peers, i.e. the SPT’s relative positioning
versus its peers’ where available (average performance,
best in class performance) and comparable, or versus
current industry or sector standards; and/or
reference to the science, i.e. systematic reference to
science-based scenarios, or absolute levels (e.g. carbon
budgets), or to official country/regional/international
targets (Paris Agreement on Climate Change and net
zero goals, Sustainable Development Goals, etc.) or to
recognised best-available-technologies or other proxies
to determine relevant targets across ESG themes.
Disclosures on target setting should make clear reference to:
the timelines for the target achievement, including the
target observation date(s)/period(s), the trigger event(s)
and the frequency of review of the SPTs;
where relevant, the verified baseline or science-based
reference point selected for improvement of KPIs as well
as the rationale for that baseline or reference point to be
used (including date/period);
where relevant, in what situations recalculations or
pro-forma adjustments of baselines will take place;
where possible and taking competition and confidentiality
considerations into account, how the borrower intends to
reach such SPTs, e.g. by describing its ESG strategy,
supporting ESG governance and investments, and its
operating strategy, i.e. through highlighting the key levers/
type of actions that are expected to drive the performance
towards the SPTs as well as their expected respective
contribution, in quantitative terms wherever possible; and
any other key factors beyond the borrower’s direct control
that may affect the achievement of the SPTs.
Appropriate KPIs and SPTs should be determined and set
between the borrower and lender group for each transaction.
A borrower may elect to arrange its sustainability-linked loan
product with the assistance of one or more “Sustainability
Coordinator(s)” or “Sustainability Structuring Agent(s)” and,
where appointed, they will assist with negotiating the KPIs and
calibrating the SPTs with the borrower.
It is recommended, where appropriate, that borrowers
seek input from an external party, via e.g. a pre-signing
Second Party Opinion, as to the appropriateness of their KPIs
and SPTs as a condition precedent to the relevant sustainabil-
ity-linked loan product being made available. In their pre-
signing Second Party Opinion, external reviewers should as-
sess the relevance, robustness and reliability of selected
KPIs, the rationale and level of ambition of the proposed
SPTs, the relevance and reliability of selected benchmarks
Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles March 2022
4. Borrowers should also note the existing and ongoing work on environmental and
social impact metrics by the Green Bond Principles (GBP) that may help identify
relevant SPTs and calculation methodologies. Impact metrics guidance of the GBP
is available at: https://www.icmagroup.org/green-social-and-sustainability-bonds/
5. The SLLP encourage external reviewers to disclose their credentials and relevant
expertise and communicate clearly the scope of the review(s) conducted.

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