
UNIDO’s Contribution to Voluntary
Sustainability Standards
International trade is a powerful tool to stimulate economic progress and
reduce poverty, for which standards play an important role. Research shows
that standards that uphold not only the quality, but also the sustainability
of methods of production can be the key for developing countries to unlock
new markets.
Such voluntary sustainability standards (VSS) specify requirements that
producers, traders, manufacturers, retailers or service providers may be asked
to meet, relating to a wide range of sustainability metrics, including respect
for basic human rights, worker health and safety, environmental impacts,
community relations, and land-use planning. VSS play an important role in
guiding buyers and producers to better social and environmental outcomes
in supply chains.
They also play a role in meeting genuine consumer interest to understand and
improve the conditions under which the products they buy are manufactured
and traded. The COVID-19 pandemic has further increased interest among
retailers and consumers who want more clarity on where their products
originate. In this regard, certifications and quality standards are important
tools to achieve transparency and traceability of product origins in international
trade, especially considering their efficiency to detect any possible causes of
diseases. Additional benefits of certification relate to consumer protection,
Good Manufacturing Practice, and corporate social responsibility. VSS have
thus become highly desirable for brands that want to build trust with consumers.
The social and environmental issues associated with international trade that
are concerning to many consumers of imported products have salience in light
of international commitments made by countries to protect the environment
and defend human rights. With rising consumer awareness on sustainability
issues stimulating demand for VSS—and big retailers and private businesses
requiring VSS, thus making them mandatory—VSS serve as an entry point
for many producers from developing countries, creating greater export
The private sector can contribute to more sustainable business practices
through trade with VSS, which also have the potential to generate significant
economic, social and environmental benefits. This highlights the relevance
of VSS for three of the five Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) pillars,
namely people, planet and prosperity, thereby also making VSS key to
the operationalization of the SDGs and to supporting both developed and
developing countries to meet SDG targets. The sustainable practices promoted
by the more than two hundred existing VSS align to some extent with the SDGs.
There are substantial VSS linkages for SDGs focusing on social issues (e.g.
SDGs 1, 2, 3 and 4), and almost all existing VSS address both social and
environmental issues. Given this, VSS can also affect outcomes such as
child education, nutrition, and gender equality (in addition to environmental
protection) through various intended and unintended channels.
Sustainability standards also generate gender-sensitive assurances in
the operational procedures and norms established by companies to drive
systemic changes for women in supply chains and improve their overall working
conditions. VSS can potentially contribute to higher incomes for women in
agriculture and women can also receive financial support provided through
certification. This includes pre-financing or premiums that can contribute
to women’s ability to access productive inputs and credit. When producer
organizations support these measures, it can enhance women’s rights to
productive agriculture resources.
Fairtrade and UTZ are examples of VSS involving specific gender and non-
discrimination policies that could help promote women’s status and reduce
prevalent gender disparities in access to information, inputs, and services.
Furthermore, VSS promote gender equality in agriculture by potentially
contributing to household food security; women’s rights to productive
agricultural resources; gender equality in education; women’s unpaid domestic
labour; women’s decision making and empowerment; and decent work for
The SDGs with the most VSS linkages primarily concern the economic
dimensions of sustainable development (i.e. SDGs 8 and 12). Agriculture
is the sector most covered by VSS and, on average, participating farmers in
agricultural value chains are found to derive economic benefits from them.
For example, the implementation of VSS can help farmers in developing
countries improve their farming techniques and product quality, allowing
them to participate in high-value added supply chains and markets. In turn,
VSS can lead to higher and more stable prices for certified farmers.
There are also substantial VSS linkages for SDGs focusing on the environment
(e.g. SDG 15). VSS such as Fairtrade, Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), Marine
Stewardship Council (MSC), Organic, Rainforest Alliance, and UTZ are designed
to address ecological and ethical concerns, and are often seen as a promising
market-based tool to enforce standards where functioning governmental
regulation mechanisms are absent.

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