
I-REC Guide: How I-REC Works Page 1/7 February, 2015
Last updated: February, 2015
1. Introduction
The International REC Standard (I-REC Standard) is the incorporation of two distinct elements:
1. The I-REC Standard is a list of rules, regulations and best practices which are to be used by all
attribute tracking systems. These rules, regulations and best practices together combine to form
the I-REC Code. The I-REC Code provides the blueprints for a standardized tracking system that
can be implemented in any country or region. Standardization allows for simplified consumer
claims and the elimination of double claiming, double counting and double certificate issuance.
2. The I-REC Standard is also an operational attribute tracking system that, based on the I-REC
Code rules and regulations, can be made available in countries or regions without a reliable and
transparent electricity tracking system. In such regions, implementation on a voluntary basis is
possible, however the I-REC Standard organization prefers that implementation be done in
combination with national regulatory, or policy making authorities.
In this memo we provide a general description of the principles of the I-REC Standard attribute
tracking system (referred to as the I-REC System). Special attention is paid to the role of
We will also address what drives
to participate
on attribute tracking systems like the I-REC Standard, EECS-GO system, or US-RECs market.
In the last paragraph a more detailed explanation is given of the I-REC Code documentation and
participation within the I-REC Standard organization.
2. General Description of the I-REC System
2.1 What is the I-REC attribute tracking system?
The I-REC attribute tracking system supports tracking compliance with governmental renewable
energy requirements, as well as voluntary consumers to track and verify progress towards their
environmental goals. This allows all I-REC system participants the ability to track attributes of
(renewable) electricity production from its location of generation to its place of consumption. These
attributes, defined as “descriptive or performance characteristics of a particular [electricity]
generation resource,
are factual, auditable statements of an electricity generating facility and an
electricity generating event. Items such as the location of the electricity generator, the type of
primary energy input, the date of commissioning, the installed capacity, the volume of electricity
produced and when the electricity was produced, are all factual attributes that can be tracked with
the I-REC attribute tracking system.
World Resources Institute, GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance. 2015.
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This tracking takes place in the form of a digital statement, or I-REC standard certificate (shortened
to ‘an I-REC’) which is based on one MWh of electricity production from a single, generation facility.
Ownership of this digital statement allows consumers of electricity the ability to claim the attributes
of a particular generating facility and electricity generating event. I-REC Standard certificates fall into
a category of ‘attribute tracking certificates’, as is described in the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance
Document, “A category of contractual instruments used in the energy sector to convey information
about energy generation to other entities involved in the sale, distribution, consumption, or
regulation of electricity.”
2.2 Roles in the I-REC system
Anyone wishing to hold or trade I-RECs must have at least one account on the I-REC registry.
Individuals or organisations with an account are referred to as a ‘participant’. End-consumers wishing
to purchase and redeem I-REC certificates can be participants and have their own accounts or they
can be clients of an existing market-player who will hold accounts on their behalf.
Electricity generating facilities must be registered with the I-REC system before I-RECs can be issued.
Owners of these electricity generators are able to register their production stations and request I-REC
issuance on their own behalf, or through the appointment of a third-party agent. The individual or
organization tasked with registering the generating facility and requesting frequent I-REC issuance is
called a ‘registrant’. Registrants do not hold accounts on the I-REC registry, however an individual or
organisation can apply to be both a registrant and a participant if necessary.
The issuer for a country or region may be a government agency or an independent entity preferably
acting with the recognition and support of the government authorities. The issuer controls the
registration of generating facilities, oversees and verifies the reporting of generation data, and issues
I-RECs based on reported generation. The issuer must have a contract with the I-REC organization,
which maintains the registry.
2.3 Steps in creating an I-REC standard certificate
All reliable attribute tracking certificates, such as an I-REC, undergo the steps of issuance,
documentation and redemption. For a better understanding of attribute tracking certificates the
following steps need to be understood.
Step 1:
Registering the generating facility with I-REC
Registration of a generating facility only needs to happen one-time and is completed by a registrant.
The registrant can be the facility owner themselves or a third-party working on behalf of the
electricity generator. The details of the production facility make up most of the attributes that
participants can claim when they redeem I-RECs produced from the generator. Other attributes
redeemed by participants come from the actual electricity generating event that was the reference
for the I-REC standard certificate issuance.
Step 2: Producing renewable electricity
Producers of electricity always must adhere to national regulations regarding the production of that
electricity. In each different national or regional electricity market these regulations will be different
(such as permitting responsibilities, electricity frequency management, grid balancing responsibilities,
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Step 3: Application for I-RECs
The registrant of the renewable electricity generators is responsible for the application to issue I-REC
standard certificates. This can be done on a voluntary basis or as the result of national regulation
requiring the issuance of I-RECs. As such contractual agreements between the electricity generator
and the local I-REC issuer must be signed. The issuer is responsible for auditing the attributes
declared by the registrant as true and factual. Following the assurance that the generating details are
factual the issuer will register the generating facilities details in the certificate registry. Detailed
information about the certificate registry can be found later in this document.
Step 4: Submitting meter readings
The actual electricity production data will need to be submitted to the issuer as per the rules agreed
upon in the contract. All production data must be audited by a third-party prior to I-REC standard
certificate issuance. This third-party confirmation of production details may be available from the
national grid operator, national regulator or public authority. The person or organization responsible
for providing this information to the issuer is the facility-appointed registrant. The issuer will conduct
frequent audits to ensure the information delivered and verified by the third-party were accurate.
Step 5: Issuing I-RECs
When the third-party verified information has been received by the issuer it will review the request
and issue I-RECs for the production facility for the relevant period. The issuer creates or issues the I-
RECs into the electronic registry. Since individual I-RECs must always be contained in an account,
similar to a bank account, the generator must declare which account will receive their issued I-REC
certificates. This can be different for each issuance request. Since the I-REC system has a centralized
registry, auditing and control of I-REC issuance is easily monitored by the system operator and third-
party observers.
Step 6: Accounts within the registry
The issuer, as per step 5, needs to be informed as to which account the I-REC certificates can be
issued. It is possible for a generator to open a trade account (become a ‘participant’) and to hold,
trade or subsequently redeem the issued I-REC certificates. It is more likely however that individual
generating facilities will choose to work with an existing market player so that any issued I-RECs can
be delivered to the market players account. Participants can open two types of I-REC accounts: A
trade account allows the I-REC certificates to be transferred to another market player or end-
consumer/client, and a redemption account allows the participant to redeem the attributes contained
within the certificate. Certificates in redemption accounts cannot again be traded or moved to a
different account.
Step 7: Trading of I-RECs
I-RECs that are issued to a trade account can be traded from one trade account to another trade
account or placed in a redemption account. Issued I-RECs can only exist in a single trade account or
redemption account at any one time - individual certificates cannot be in two accounts at the same
time. The owner of the trade account has the right to move, trade or sell the certificates as they
wish. For all intents and purposes the owner of a trade account is the owner of all the I-RECs in that
account. It is possible for any end-user, market player or generator to open a trade account and
redemption account effectively becoming an I-REC participant.

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