Global Green Taxonomy Development, Alignment and ImplementationVIP专享VIP免费

Prepared by Climate Bonds Initiative and sponsored by UK PACT
Global green
alignment, and
Global green taxonomy development, alignment, and implementation Climate Bonds Initiative 2
Taxonomy in place
Taxonomy in dra
European Union
New Zealand
South Africa
South Korea
Dominican Republic
Sri Lanka
Global Green Taxonomy
© Climate Bonds Initiative 2022
The Climate Bonds Initiative (Climate Bonds) is an investor-
focused, non-profit organisation whose main work includes
green bond standards and certification, green bond data and
market analysis, policy analysis and development. Climate
Bonds has supported green bond market development in
many countries and regions, including Europe, the US, China,
India, Brazil, and Mexico, in partnership with governments
and regulators, such as the United Nations Environment
Programme, the United Nations Development Programme,
the European Commission, multilateral development finance
institutions, the OECD and others. Climate Bonds is an invited
member of the Green Finance Committee of the Chinese
Society of Finance.
Background 2
1. Introduction 3
2. Audit of international taxonomy
development 4
3. Case study: Aligning the China and EU
taxonomies 6
4. Implementation
of green taxonomies 9
5. Conclusion and discussion 12
Acknowledgements: The authors thank the
support from Bolu Wang and Wenqin Lu.
Authors: Xiaoyun Xu, Wenhong Xie,
Manshu Deng
Taxonomy in development
Taxonomy in discussion
Global green taxonomy development, alignment, and implementation Climate Bonds Initiative 3
1. Introduction
1.1 The purpose and utility
of a taxonomy
The global green and sustainable finance market has seen
exponential growth in the past several years. Sustainability
themed financial products including bonds, funds, and ETFs
have become an important part of the investment landscape.
This has motivated the growth of detailed guidance, in the
form of taxonomies, around what constitutes a qualifying
investment to achieve desired environmental objectives and
maintain market integrity.
A sustainability and/or green taxonomy is a classification
system identifying activities, assets and revenue segments
that deliver on key sustainability goals based on the eligibility
conditions set out by the taxonomy. For example, the EU
taxonomy classifies a list of environmentally sustainable
economic activities with thresholds and metrics. China’s
green classification system identifies a list of assets and
projects that are eligible to be financed using green bonds, as
these assets and projects make a substantial contribution to
improvements of environmental issues, climate change and
resource eiciency.1
The sustainability/green taxonomies add clarity and guidance
to market participants by helping investors and companies
identify green activities and make informed decisions on
sustainable economic activities. A green taxonomy helps
regulators and investors reduce the risks of greenwashing, and
thus improve the integrity and reduce transaction costs in the
sustainable finance market.
1.2 Alignment of leading global
green definitions
In 2012, the Climate Bonds Initiative (Climate Bonds)
introduced voluntary guidelines for the market in the form of a
taxonomy and related certification scheme. Subsequently, as
the sustainable finance market expanded, a growing number
of jurisdictions around the globe started to recognise the
importance of its approach and develop their classification
schemes of sustainable economic activities to scale up green
and sustainability-related financing.
As green taxonomies are designed by each jurisdiction, there
are concerns about market fragmentation. The inconsistency
in green definitions can confuse businesses and investors
when conducting cross-border activities. Thus, harmonising
eligible assets and metrics across jurisdictions has become an
important aspect of current taxonomy development.
National and international organisations have made eorts to
align various taxonomies to reduce market fragmentation and
facilitate the cross-border flow of green capital. The European
Commission launched a research project on green finance-
related standards in 2016 and approved the first Delegated Act
on the EU taxonomy in 2021. Countries including Mexico, the
United Kingdom, Georgia, South Africa, and Bangladesh view
the EU taxonomy as a benchmark and intend to adopt certain
criteria and metrics.2 Many taxonomies in dra also embrace
the EU taxonomy’s concepts of transition activities which focus
on low-carbon transitions of the high-impact industries.
Recently, China has made further eorts to advanceits green
finance agenda. In April 2021, the People’s Bank of China
(PBOC), together with the National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC) and the China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC) jointly released the Green Bond Endorsed
Projects Catalogue (2021 Edition) representing another major
development in unifying its domestic green definitions. Widely
considered the leading green taxonomy for China, the 2021
Edition Catalogue also adopts the do no significant harm
(DNSH) principle, aligning with international standards.
There are multiple taxonomies currently in place or under
development and this report summarises development
trends and the implications for the sustainable finance
market. This report also includes a comparison of the EU and
China taxonomies, briefly introducing their design features,
guiding principles, and technical screening criteria for market
participants to understand the steps in taxonomy development.
Finally, this report discusses the usability of green taxonomies
and implementation options for market participants.

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