
Contributors / Publishing details
Report Editorial Board (WMO): Johannes Cullmann, Maxx Dilley, Paul Egerton, Veronica F. Grasso, Cyrille Honoré,
Filipe Lúcio, Jürg Luterbacher, Clare Nullis, Brigitte Perrin, Mary Power, Anthony Rea, Johan Stander
Scientic review: WMO Study Group on Integrated Energy Services (SG-ENE)
Scientic editors: Maxx Dilley, Veronica F. Grasso, Tom Idle, Nakiete Msemo
Project coordination team (WMO): Veronica F. Grasso, Roberta Boscolo, Maxx Dilley, Hamid Bastani, Nakiete Msemo;
DWD: Tobias Fuchs; ENEL Foundation: Carlo Papa, Claudio Pregagnoli, Luca Spinosa; WEMC: Alberto Troccoli
Agence Francaise de Développement (AFD): Julie Bompas, Marie-Noelle Woillez
Adaptation Fund (AF): Alyssa Maria Gomes, Saliha Dobardzic, Claudia Lasprilla Pina
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC): Albert Soret, Ilaria Vigo
Climate Investment Funds (CIF): Abhishek Bhaskar, Xianfu Lu, Loreta Rufo
Climate Policy Initiative (CPI): Baysa Naran, Morgan Richmond
Copernicus Climate Change Service, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
(C3S, ECMWF): Chiara Cagnazzo
Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD): Tobias Fuchs, Frank Kaspar
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI): Delavane Diaz, Laura Fischer, Rachel Gantz, Mike Howard, Morgan Scott
Électricité de France (EDF): Sylvie Parey
ENEL Foundation: Carlo Papa, Claudio Pregagnoli, Luca Spinosa
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program of the World Bank (ESMAP): Elisa Portale, Jiyun Park, Stephen Halloway
Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO): Han Huang, Changyi Liu, Xian Tan,
Zijian Zhao, Fang Yang, Jinyu Xiao, Zhanghua Zheng
Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies: Isha Bhasin, rôme Duberry, Medha Manish, Emma
Leonarda Magdalena Nijssen, Sekela Salome Ombura
Green Climate Fund (GCF): Monica Gullberg, Edson Hlatshwayo, Joseph Intsiful, Carol Litwin
Global Environment Facility (GEF): Aloke Barnwal, Fareeha Iqbal
Group on Earth Observations (GEO): Hesham M. El-Askary (Chapman University), Stelios Kazadzis (Physics and Meteor.
Obs. Davos/World Radiation Center), Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes (National Observatory of Athens), Thierry Ranchin
(MINES Paris), Sara Venturini
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): Bertrand Magne, Henri Paillere
International Energy Agency (IEA): Jinsun Lim, Chiara D’Adamo
International Hydropower Association (IHA): Alex Campbell, Debbie Gray
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): Claire Kiss, Imen Gherboudj, Elizabeth Press
Open Hydro: Maria Ubierna, Cristina Diez
seau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE): Laurent Dubus
Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL): Alvin Jose
UN-Energy: Bahareh Seyedi, Minoru Takada
World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC): Alberto Troccoli
Graphic Design: Design Plus
WMO-No. 1301
© World Meteorological Organization, 2022
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ISBN 978-92-63-11301-6
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Photo: Appolinary Kalashnikova/Unsplash
Foreword 4
Executive summary 5
Data and methods 8
Value 9
Global status 11
Priorities and needs 21
Investment 24
Regional overview 26
Gaps 30
Recommendations 31
Case studies 33
Case study 1: Climate services to support long-term energy planning for climate change impacts on European
power systems 33
Case study 2: EDF is coordinating climate adaptation at a group level 34
Case study 3: Climate proofing of local development and investment plans in the Dolomites 35
Case study 4: Integrated weather services for offshore wind power production in China 36
Case study 5: Early weather warnings to safeguard electricity supply for Beijing 37
Case study 6: A solar atlas to guide energy management and planning in Egypt 38
Case study 7: Earth observation-based services to support long-term planning for European energy systems 39
Case study 8: Rural solar electrification in Mali 40
Case study 9: Climate services supporting renewable energy applications in Germany’s transport infrastructure 41
Case study 10: Sector-specific localized wind resource information to aid wind industry decision-making process 42
Case study 11: Supporting climate-resilient hydropower operations with hydrometeorological data analytics in Tajikistan 43
Case study 12: Supporting the uptake of hybrid renewable energy systems in South Africa 44
Case study 13: A global platform assessing the potential installed capacity of hydrology, wind and solar energy 45
Case study 14: Sub-seasonal and seasonal forecasting helps clean-energy companies make better decisions 46
Case study 15: An energy interconnection is promoting climate mitigation and sustainable development in Africa 47
Case study 16: Weather information and services helped the Beijing Winter Olympics achieve a 100% green
electricity supply 48
Case study 17: Enhancing adaptive capacity of Andean communities in Chile, Peru and Colombia 49

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