以人为本应对气候变化报告(英文版)--Korn FerryVIP专享VIP免费

In the second instalment in
our ESG and sustainability
series, we turn our attention to
the subject of climate change
and the people‑related issues
organizations need to consider
on their path to carbon neutrality.
A people‑powered
solution to
Carbon neutrality: nine years
togoand everything still to do
When the landmark Paris Agreement,
negotiated by 196 parties at the
2015 United Nations Climate Change
Conference, came into force on
4 November 2016 several major
signatories, including the European
Union and the UK, vowed to become
climate neutral by 2050. So far,
theinspiring words have not been
matched by decisive actions.
Time marches on and our main climate indicators
continue to worsen. That 2050 target is starting to
look too casual rather than too ambitious, with most
environmental scientists now saying that significant
reductions in fossil fuel production are needed before
20301 if we are to standany chance of averting disaster.
Corporations are largely responsible for climate
emissions (the CDP’s 2017 Carbon Majors Report2
revealed that just 100 companies have been the
sourceof more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse
gas emissions since 1988). So, corporations must be
atthe forefront of change, taking clear, irreversible
steps towards carbon neutrality or carbon freedom.
Some have remained completely silent on the issue.
Others have pledged to reduce their emissions
without yet explaining how they intend to do
it. Stillothers, including Apple, Microsoft, Google,
Unilever,AstraZeneca and IKEA, have gone
publicwithdetailed targets and plans.
But even those companies that have committed
toreaching net zero by 2030, and that are
clear aboutwhat actions they need to take
toget there,maystruggle to achieve the
kindoftransformation we all need to see.
Because, as we highlighted in our earlier article on ESG
and sustainability, all the planning has so far focused
on environmental science and technology—but it is
the people in organizations who will be the real drivers
In this article, we outline a more
human‑centric approach to corporate
action on climate change and look at
what companies can do to complement
their environmental science with
behavioral science, and to enhance and
refine their carbon neutrality strategies
before it is toolate.
Why addressing climate change
mustbe human-centric
In her article on the humanitarian impact of
climate change3, Margareta Wahlström, Assistant
Secretary‑General for Humanitarian Aairs and
Deputy Emergency ReliefCoordinator at the
United Nations, invites us to,
Consider the adaptation
mechanisms of two mammals:
polar bears and humans.
Polar bears, she explains, have adapted to their harsh
environment over thousands of years. But as the
climate changes too rapidly for them, they are now
stranded on melting ice floes and could potentially
become extinct in a few decades.
Humans are facing a similar crisis due to rising sea
levels, extreme weather, intense storms, flooding,
heatwaves, and droughts. The dierence is that we
humans do not have to wait for evolution to adapt.
Wecan reinvent ourselves, become problem solvers
rather than problem creators, and find new strategies
for tackling environmental and humanitarian risks.
It follows that the more human organizations are
in their approach to sustainable development, the
more likely they will be to adapt, survive and thrive.
Build an environment that allows human potential to
flourish, and you create an organization capable of
doing far more that simply delivering on financial goals.
Youcreate an organization that delivers on the triple
bottom line of people, profit and planet.
So, where tostart?
In this paper, we focus on six key people dimensions
that are central to any eort to address climate
change: leadership, operating model, organizational
structure, governance, capabilities, and culture.

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