
EV Charging
Market Outlook
A quest for profitable growth in the fast growing,
yet highly competitive, EV charging market
EV Charging Market Outlook
Global viewpoint focused on key regions
(Europe, US and China) developed by Strategy&
and PwC covering:
Underlying market drivers, value chain definition
and key revenue pools
Ways to play to realize the revenue pools, their
2035 potential and current financial performance
per way to play
Considerations for profitable growth going
forward per way to play
Deep dives:
Public fast charging operator and owner
way to play
Deal making activity by deal type,
way to play and acquirer
Our insights are based on:
Interviews with industry executives and
analysts and
Insights from work by PwC Autofacts® and
Data Insights teams
Customer survey with a focus on the US,
EU+ Norway and China (n = 3,000+)
EV Charging
Market Outlook
Focus areas and our approach
100bn+ EUR market in ’35 chased by strong competition
fuelled by high M&A activity, profitable growth requires focus
Source: Strategy&
EV Charging Market Outlook
By 2035, BEVs to account for
60-90+% of new sales leading to
370+m BEV parc across
Europe, US and China
210+m required charging
infrastructure build-up for
the BEV parc
Battery capacity/ charging
speed, dwell-time and access
to a location determine where
charging happens
Private (slow) charging to
account for most chargers, but
public fast charging being the
fastest growth segment in
energy used and lowering end
user range-anxiety
100+bn EUR charging sales
market by 35 (excl. electricity
sales), a shift from one-time
HW, installation sales to
recurring operational sales on
public infrastructure to its owners
and value added mobility and
energy services
Many established and new
players compete for market share
combining one or
more steps of the value chain
through one of 7 ways to play
While most plays show strong
growth (40+% p.a.), so far, only
select few providers have a
positive EBITDA
True value of charging
unlocked when capabilities
across various traditional
sectors brought together
Products and services to be
designed end-to-end with B2B
and B2C customer centricity
and integrations across the
ecosystem to enable seamless
user experience and unlock
recurring life-time value
Choice and build up of sales
channels is key to growth
Operational excellence and
cost base control while
maintaining strong access to
capital important to scale and
grow profitably
The market sees a push for
consolidation Out of
~300 tracked M&A deals
(‘12-22), financial sponsors
accounted for 40% with
inter-sector players 20%,
O&G/Utilities 17% and
automotive players for 3%
Market drivers and
value chain CPO deep dive
Ways to play and
financial performance Considerations for
profitable growth
M&A deep dive
The highest (>6x) EV/Sales
(23B) multiples observed
Business model with high
capex, but strong returns/
payback possible if infra-
structure utilised leading
Norwegian market with
~2-5 year payback
Executive summary

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