
Progress in
hydrogen fuel
cell technology
and deployment
in China
Global Challenges in Focus
Hongxing (Tonny) Xie*
Peter Oksen**
Xingxing Guo*
Xin He*
Yue Bian*
*Bluetech Clean Air Alliance, Beijing
**WIPO GREEN, Geneva
With contributions from
Wanyi Wang, United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP)
China Office, and
Ziyuan Wang, Foshan Institute of
Environment and Energy Technology,
Executive summary
Hydrogen has several potential advantages as an energy form and storage
medium in relation to climate change and environmental impacts. However,
current hydrogen use is based almost exclusively on fossil fuel, and this means
it is not climate change neutral or beneficial. Major technological advances
are being made towards producing “green hydrogen,” but this remains more
expensive than fossil-based hydrogen. Hydrogen-use technologies are also
being developed, but few are ready to be scaled up, so hydrogen as a form
of clean energy remains largely a technology of the future.
The potential is nevertheless so attractive that many governments worldwide
have formulated development plans for hydrogen and, together with the
private sector, they are investing significantly in research and development.
In China, hydrogen and fuel cells are expected to play an important role
in fulfilling the official pledge of national carbon neutrality by 2060 and are
already embedded in numerous economic development plans and policies.
More than 100 standards to regulate the production and use of hydrogen
in China have been formulated, which is a prerequisite for scaling up the
technology. Innovation in the field has increased dramatically in recent years,
and this is reflected in the current global dominance of Chinese-based patent
applications. Several Chinese provincial governments and industrial city
clusters have embarked on ambitious programs to develop and promote
hydrogen in transport – notably heavy-duty and long-haul transport – and
Despite the technological and economic obstacles associated with scaling
up and mainstreaming hydrogen-based energy, there are strong indications
that the political will and economic means are there to make it an important
complement to other new and renewable energies.
Hydrogen is high on the political and innovation agenda of many countries,
research institutions and companies. It is a highly versatile energy storage
medium with great potential for contributing to a transition towards car-
bon-neutral energy. However, hydrogen sources are dominated by fossil
fuels, and the technical and economic challenges to scaling up the use of
hydrogen remain considerable. This report provides an overview of current
hydrogen and fuel cell technology trends internationally, and a focused
review of China, the largest deployment market for hydrogen and fuel cell
technologies. In recent years, China has actively promoted research and
development(R&D), demonstration and commercial applications of hydrogen
technologies. The report provides insights into current policy, planning,
standards, patents, pilot projects and demonstration activities in hydrogen
and fuel cell development in China.
Hydrogen and fuel cell technology –
international trends and potential
The advantage of hydrogen as
an energy storage medium
Hydrogen as an energy source is gaining international momen-
tum, and is being strongly promoted in business and policies.
Several technologies are available that can harness the
advantages of hydrogen. To make it economically attractive,
however, further development and scaling up is required (IEA,
2019). That makes any assessments of its future role as a
source of energy and storage medium uncertain.
Hydrogen is a colorless and odorless gas, and is the most
abundant element on Earth and in the universe. It is ener-
gy-dense and combustible with oxygen, producing thermal
energy with water as residue, and is therefore a fuel with no
carbon dioxide(CO
) or other unwanted gas emissions in the
end-use process. In the transport sector, for example, that
can help to improve air quality in large cities. It is a potentially
clean and unlimited energy source that is already used in many
chemical and other industries. Unfortunately, it does not exist
in nature in a pure form and must therefore be produced.1
Clean and dirty hydrogen: green,
gray, brown and blue
More than 95percent of the hydrogen produced today
originates in fossil fuels, with natural gas being the dominant
source. Around 6percent of natural gas extracted globally
and 2percent of coal is used to produce hydrogen (IEA, 2019).
Natural gas is the cheapest source of hydrogen, and steam
methane reforming(SMR) is the most common production
method. Hydrogen produced in this way is often referred to
as gray hydrogen. The process takes place at temperatures of
between 700°C and 1100°C, and is energy intensive. Moreover,
by-products include CO2 and other greenhouse gases. The
production of 1ton of hydrogen can result in the production
of more than 9tons of CO
, which is close to the level of
emissions resulting from the combustion of gasoline (1kg of
hydrogen is energy equivalent to 1gallon of gasoline, which
emits around 9kg of CO2) (Rapier, 2021). Gasification of coal
is a widespread source of hydrogen in several countries, often
referred to as brown hydrogen. With the application of water
and heat the coal produces syngas, which is a mixture of
, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, methane and ethylene. The
process is highly polluting and has been in use for hundreds
of years, producing what was often referred to as “town-gas”
(Farmer, 2020).
1 Hydrogen is not a primary source of energy like oil,
coal, wind or solar but is more comparable to an energy
carrier or medium such as electricity. In this report, we
do not dwell on that distinction, as it is of little practical
consequence. We therefore refer to hydrogen both as a
source of energy and as a storage medium.
Production of hydrogen creates CO
emissions equivalent to
those of Indonesia and the United Kingdom put together (IEA,
2019). The use of hydrogen today is, therefore, not carbon
neutral; it can be seen as a fossil fuel in the same family as
oil, coal and, of course, natural gas.
However, producing carbon-neutral, or green, hydrogen is
perfectly possible. This area of technology is developing
rapidly, although it remains more expensive than natural gas.
Rather than using natural gas as a raw material to produce
hydrogen, water can be split into hydrogen and oxygen by
electrolysis, whereby the anode produces oxygen and the
cathode hydrogen. The process requires a lot of electricity, but
if that electricity comes from renewable energy sources, the
hydrogen will likely be carbon neutral. Regions with abundant
renewable energy, such as the Middle East, northern Africa,
South America and Australia (solar energy), could become
hydrogen production regions. It is not unrealistic that green
hydrogen could hit cost parity with gray hydrogen as early as
2030 (Hydrogen Council and McKinsey, 2021). The European
Union is aiming to achieve 40GW of electrolyzer capacity by
2030, which indicates strong political will to develop green
hydrogen quickly. It is forecast that about 17percent of all
hydrogen produced in China will be green by 2030, and that
the total amount of green hydrogen produced annually will
exceed 18milliontons (China Hydrogen Alliance, 2019).
Nonetheless, green hydrogen needs to be scaled up signifi-
cantly to compete with gray and brown hydrogen. Optimistic
calculations of break-even points between green and gray
hydrogen include provision for policy support initiatives such
as carbon taxes (Hydrogen Council and McKinsey, 2021).
Another option is to replace natural gas with biogas in the
hydrogen production process. Biogas is most commonly
produced through anaerobic digestion of waste biomass,
gasification, or extraction of landfill gas, but it must be upgraded
to biomethane with the same high (more than 90percent)
level of methane content that characterizes natural gas. That
process also requires energy, but it can be quite efficient,
with up to 87percent of the methane contained in the biogas
separated. Pure hydrogen can then be produced from the
biomethane using the SMR process in a similar fashion to
the process using natural gas (Saur and Milbrandt, 2014).
Converting biogas directly to hydrogen is also possible. A
pilot plant financed by the European Union is in operation in
Italy. It uses a palladium-based membrane reactor technology
(combined chemical conversion and membrane separation
process), which can produce hydrogen with a 70percent
conversion efficiency at a relatively low temperature of around
500°C (CORDIS, 2020).
By using carbon capture and storage(CCS) technology in
the natural gas extraction process, low-carbon hydrogen

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