
Status Report
June 2021
WorldGBC Status Report 2021
Global project funders
Director, Advancing Net Zero, World Green Building Council
Project Coordinator, Advancing Net Zero, World Green Building Council
Project Ocer, Advancing Net Zero, World Green Building Council
Project Ocer, Global Advocacy, World Green Building Council
It is a crucial year at the start of a crucial decade that brings an unprecedented opportunity
for the building and construction sector to demonstrate its central contribution to
achieving the Paris Agreement goals.
We are prepared to collaboratively tackle the emissions the sector is responsible
for. WorldGBC and a coalition of NGOs are supporting the 'Cities, Regions and Built
Environment Day' at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 26th
Conference of Parties (COP26) to bring this to the forefront of the conversation.
As national governments submit updated Nationally Determined Contributions and
embrace the opportunity of the green economy, we must ensure that the decarbonisation
of the built environment is recognised as a specic target within their climate
commitments and plans. The Race to Zero and Race to Resilience campaigns highlight
non-party actor leadership ambition and action, demonstrating industry readiness for
bolder regulation.
We stand ready to harness the power of our Green Building Council
(GBC) network and their membership to advocate for further government
regulation and action towards net zero emissions in the lead up to
COP26 and beyond.
This report highlights the game changing achievements from GBCs, partners and Net Zero
Carbon Buildings Commitment signatories.
Amongst these achievements will be the announcement of the next milestone — advancing
a Whole Life Carbon Vision through updating our Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment.
This vital expansion will ensure our sector tackles emissions throughout the building
lifecycle with a focus on upfront embodied carbon of materials and construction.
I am hopeful for the future. I am energised to see Advancing Net Zero build momentum and
continue to deliver on our shared vision of sustainable buildings for everyone, everywhere.
WorldGBC Status Report 2021
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To limit the consequences of climate change, net zero
must become the rule, not the exception, across the built
environment sector. WorldGBCs Advancing Net Zero
programme calls upon our industry to rise to the challenge.
This initiative enables us to translate long-range ambitions into
transformative actions we can take day by day.
At SOM, we are increasingly empowered by the positive
change we’re able to achieve by working with partners along
the value chain. We are eager to lead by example, and through
collaboration, to reinforce our commitment to decarbonising
the sector — one team, one project, one place at a time.
Mina Hasman
The world is warming at an unsustainable rate and the
built environment contributes about 40 percent of global
greenhouse gas emissions. This means our industry has a
unique responsibility and opportunity to act.
Given what’s at stake, its no longer enough to make ambitious
commitments without translating them into real and
tangible outcomes. This is why Lendlease has committed to
#MissionZero and supporting important industry initiatives like
the Advancing Net Zero project by the World Green Building
Council. Industry collaboration is critical in order for our sector
to meaningfully reduce its carbon footprint and tackle the
climate crisis head on — it’s our biggest challenge, with our
smallest target.
Cate Harris
ANZ partner messages
The latest Advancing Net Zero Status Report showcases
the critical role of the built environment in tackling carbon
emissions and slowing the advance of global warming. There
is a clear business case to realising net zero buildings, and
business must play a driving role in the revolution that we
need. As a signatory to the Commitment, Kingspan is proud to
support this vital initiative, and share the success we have had
to date in our own journey towards decarbonisation.
Bianca Wong
As the worlds largest manager of commercial property, CBRE
has the opportunity – and the motivation – to help stem the
rise in global temperatures and preserve our planet for future
generations. We support WorldGBC’s Advancing Net Zero
project and the crucial work it does in engaging the sector to
advance the uptake of net zero. At CBRE, we continue to do our
part to signicantly reduce emissions from our own operations
and the properties we manage for clients.
Jennifer Leitsch
We have entered a critical decade for the building sector to
action net zero carbon and make it a reality at scale. Mott
MacDonald is a proud signatory to the Commitment, it is
in alignment with our carbon neutral certied company
achievement and goal to become a Net Zero company.
Advancing Net Zero is providing the critical guidance that we
need to scale Net Zero Carbon Buildings and the whole life
carbon vision is an important evolution for us to reach the
carbon reduction that is essential for our future.
Amanda S turgeon

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