PCAF:金融业全球温室气体核算和报告标准-C 部分 - 保险相关排放(英文)VIP专享VIP免费

Insurance-Associated Emissions
First Version
November 2022
Part C: Insurance-Associated Emissions
Table of Contents
Important note 3
Acknowledgements 4
Executive summary 5
1. Introduction 7
2. GHG accounting in re/insurance 12
3. GHG accounting can be used as a basis to achieve business goals 15
4. Principles and requirements of GHG accounting for re/insurers 18
4.1 GHG accounting requirements derived from the GHG Protocol’s principles 18
4.2 Additional requirements for accounting and reporting insurance-associated emissions 20
5. Methodology to measure insurance-associated emissions 27
5.1 General considerations 27
5.2 Emissions associated with commercial lines portfolios 32
5.3 Emissions associated with personal motor portfolios 41
6. Reporting requirements, recommendations, and metrics 51
7. Glossary 65
8. Acronyms 68
9. Annex 1: Due diligence for third-party data providers 70
10. Annex 2: Detailed data quality score tables per line of business 71
11. Annex 3: Sample table templates displaying reported emissions for a given fiscal year 75
12. Annex 4: Guiding principles for developing the GHG accounting methodology for
re/insurance underwriting 78
13. Annex 5: Commercial insurance – Template to capture attribution data at the source 80
14. Annex 6: Sample classifications for vehicle types in the EU and US 81
Part C: Insurance-Associated Emissions
Important note
The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) Global GHG Accounting and
Reporting Standard for the Insurance Industry ("Insurance-Associated Emissions Standard")
derives from the work conducted by the PCAF’s Insurance-Associated Emissions Working Group
("Working Group").
The Working Group has, at all times, sought to ensure that the accounting methodologies and
reporting requirements proposed in this Standard are compatible with applicable law, including
antitrust laws. The development of the methodologies and reporting requirements set out in this
Standard, including associated discussions and work undertaken by the Working Group, has been
undertaken in compliance with applicable laws, including antitrust laws.
The methodologies and the context provided (e.g., examples of the possible use of such
methodologies) in this Standard are not to be construed as prescriptive. The adoption and use of
the methodologies discussed or included in this Standard are voluntary and must be determined
independently by each company.
The use of such methodologies by a company is subject to applicable laws, rules and regulations
in the jurisdictions in which that company operates. In case of conflict of applicable laws, rules
and regulations with the methodologies or the reporting requirements described in this Standard,
the applicable laws, rules and regulations shall prevail, but any deviations from the Standard
should be highlighted to protect the goal and value of the Insurance-Associated Emissions
The work leading to the adoption of this Standard included a public consultation on the proposed
methodologies for measuring and reporting insurance-associated emissions. The consultation
was open to all interested parties, including regulators, participants from across the re/insurance
industry, brokers, policymakers, data providers, consultants, academia, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), associations of insureds, and civil society as a whole. The Working Group
considered the input and feedback received during the consultation process, which were
reflected in this Standard, to the extent it was feasible and implementable and compatible with
applicable laws and regulations.

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