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Behavioral Changes during
Asias Net Zero Transition:
Evidence from Middle-
Class Household
Babette Never
Evidence from Middle-Class Household Consumption
Babette Never
Senior Researcher
IDOS German Institute of Development and Sustainability (formerly named DIE)
A net zero transition to climate-neutral development in Asia needs to systematically include
the consumer perspective. Net-zero transition policies including consumers will need to
differentiate both between and within Asian countries, reflecting inequality in emissions,
consumption patterns, and capabilities. The growing and aspiring middle classes present the
key consumer group that will shape the next decade in Asia. Key opportunities include
changing consumer norms and aspirations before lock-in, while reaping co-benefits on local
problems, and new job and market opportunities from rising consumer incomes, e.g., in (a)
low-carbon technologies, (b) new services/sharing economy, (c) refurbed and remanufactured
products/circular economy, and (d) low-carbon buildings and construction. Future policies
could integrate and expand sustainable consumption and production policies more
systematically to unleash a virtuous cycle, combining regulations, financial incentives and
behavioural insights tools. Regulations and financial incentives are particularly useful for
costly investments, complex decision-making situations, infrastructure support and steering
unpopular choices. Behavioural insights tools are helpful for concrete, individual-level
programs, the adoption of low-carbon technologies and addressing individuals with high
environmental concern and intrinsic motivation. Sequencing and targeting measures in policy
packages to ensure a timely and just transition is required.
In this report, “$” refers to United States dollars.
A net zero transition to climate-neutral development in Asia needs to systematically include
the consumer perspective. Focusing on greening the supply side will not be sufficient;
consumer pressure and demand shifts are essential to push the producer side. The mitigation
potential of consumer-oriented measures is large: 40%–70% reduction of greenhouse gases in
the end-use of technology and use of infrastructure is possible, according to the latest report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC 2022). Net-zero transition policies
including consumers will need to differentiate both between and within Asian countries,
reflecting inequality in emissions, consumption patterns, and capabilities. The growing and
aspiring middle classes present the key consumer group that will shape the next decade in Asia.
Their role is central for a net zero transition for two reasons: First, lock-in effects of
consumption habits and lifestyles happen as people move up the income ladder. Second, the
projected middle class consumption growth has a sheer impact in the coming decades. Already
17%–20% change in consumer choices can be a tipping point for market structures and a
committed group of 25% can be enough to change social convention (Newell et al. 2021; Otto
et al. 2020; Centola et al. 2018). Windows of opportunity to engage in win-win situations for
low-carbon transitions are open now.
Key opportunities include:
(i) changing consumer norms and aspirations before lock-in, while reaping co-
benefits on local problems, such as air pollution, health, gross domestic product
losses because of traffic jams, and energy security; and
(ii) new job and market opportunities from rising consumer incomes, e.g., in (a)
low-carbon technologies, (b) new services/sharing economy, (c) refurbed and
remanufactured products/circular economy, and (d) low-carbon buildings and
Key challenges include:
(i) how to guide consumers towards low-carbon consumption without depriving
anyone of opportunities (boosting sustainable, low-carbon demand);
(ii) how to manage consumption and emission inequality across and within Asian

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