
Geneva, 2023
Plastic Pollution
The pressing case for natural and
environmentally friendly substitutes to plastics
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United Nations publication issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
ISBN: 978-92-1-101475-4
eISBN: 978-92-1-002722-9
Sales No. 23.II.D.11
This document was written by Carla Vaca Eyzaguirre, David Vivas Eugui, Henrique Pacini, Denise Penello
Rial, Katja Spur and Kweku Attafuah-Wadee under the framework of the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland FCDO/UNCTAD Sustainable Manufacturing and Environmental Pollution (SMEP)
Programme and UNCTAD oceans economy initiative.
UNCTAD gratefully acknowledges the comments and inputs by Robert Hamwey, Claudia Contreras,
Maria Durleva and Glen Wilson. Additional comments were provided by Alessandro Sanches Pereira and
Marcela Langue from Instituto 17 and David Rohindra from the University of the South Pacific.
Mahesh Sugathan (TESS) also provided comments useful for the development of the document.
Comments received from other divisions of UNCTAD as part of the internal peer review process, as
well as comments from the Office of the Secretary-General, are also acknowledged with appreciation.
Preparation of the document also took into account discussions with stakeholders during the workshop
on sustainable and effective substitutes and alternatives for plastics organized by UNCTAD and WTO on
6 December 2022. Insights and contributions from the following participating organizations served as an
important input in the improvement of the document: Forum on Trade, Environment and the Sustainable
Development Goals (TESS); Centre for International Environmental Law; Quaker United Nations Office;
Instituto 17; Associación Latinoamericana de Integración; International Bamboo and Rattan Organization;
Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention; World Customs Organization; and PEW Charitable Trusts.
Representatives from Fortuna Cools and NotPla also contributed suggestions.
Desktop formatting was done by Rafe Dent and Lia Tostes, UNCTAD. Cover art was prepared by Lana
Carolina Ribeiro.
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