《欧盟可再⽣能源指令II》(RED II)(2018)
EU Renewable Energy Directive II (2018)
范围:开采与运输阶段 / Scope: Well to tank
可再⽣能源⽬标:覆盖公路和铁路交通的10% / Renewable Energy Target: 10% of road and rail transport
Member States decide how to implement: e.g., volume mandate, energy mandate, or GHG reduction
requirement for fuel suppliers
Calculate GHG intensity of fuel: emissions from extraction or cultivation of different materials, direct land
use change, processing, transport and distribution, fuel in use, soil carbon accumulation from better agricultural
management, emission savings from carbon capture and storage or replacement
与最低温室⽓体减排⽬标相应的化⽯燃料使⽤量对照 / Minimum GHG reduction target relative to a fossil comparator
•非⽣物来源可再⽣燃料(RFNOBs,例如电解氢、合成燃料):减少70% /Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological
Origin (RFNBOs, e.g., electrolysis hydrogen, electrofuels): 70% reduction
•⽣物燃料:减少50-60% /Biofuels: 50-60%