
© 2022 IAIIAI PAPERS 22 | 17 - JUNE 2022 ISSN 2610-9603 | ISBN 978-88-9368-255-8
Italy | Pipelines | Energy | Hydrogen | External trade
The Geopolitics of Clean Hydrogen –
Opportunities and Challenges for Italy
by Marco Giuli
The emergence of clean hydrogen as an energy carrier
promises to shape the future geography of the energy trade.
Under growing contestation of interdependence, such a
geography should be read through political lenses alongside
commercial and technological ones. Generally, hydrogen is
likely to reduce the geopolitical sensitivity of energy trade with
respect to a fossil-fuel-based energy order by increasing the
share of energy produced domestically, shifting geostrategic
competition from a focus on grabbing resources to a focus
on mastering technology and setting standards, and oering
petrostates opportunities for economic diversification.
Italy can exploit the opportunities oered by a hydrogen
economy for enhancing its energy security and positioning
in the regional energy trade. However, it should be careful
with monitoring how geopolitical barriers such as regional
instability may aect its hydrogen ambitions.
The Geopolitics of Clean Hydrogen – Opportunities and Challenges for Italy
© 2022 IAIIAI PAPERS 22 | 17 - JUNE 2022 ISSN 2610-9603 | ISBN 978-88-9368-255-8
The Geopolitics of Clean Hydrogen –
Opportunities and Challenges for Italy
by Marco Giuli*
The energy transition is expected to bring about a structural change in many
socio-technical foundations of our civilisation,1 including the way in which power
and influence are allocated and exerted on the international stage. It is expected
to reduce those interdependencies born around fossil fuel trade, and to give rise
to emerging interdependencies where technology, infrastructure and regulation
count more than geological endowments.2 Similarly, as electrification grows and
since electricity is not an ecient carrier over long distances, the energy transition
is expected to define a world that is less global – at least within the energy issue
area – and more regional, or even national,3 laying the groundwork for major
geopolitical shifts.
The entry of clean hydrogen into the global energy transition equation may
at least to some extent challenge these assumptions. Clean hydrogen includes
hydrogen produced via electrolysis from non-emissive electricity from renewables
(green hydrogen) or nuclear (pink hydrogen), and hydrogen produced through
1 Gavin Bridge et al., “Geographies of Energy Transition: Space, Place and the Low-Carbon Economy”,
in Energy Policy, Vol. 53 (February 2013), p. 331-340, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2012.10.066.
2 Tom Casier, “The Geopolitics of the EU’s Decarbonization Strategy: A Bird’s Eye Perspective”,
in Claire Dupont and Sebastian Oberthür (eds), Decarbonization in the European Union. Internal
Policies and External Strategies, Basingstoke/New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015, p. 159-179.
3 Daniel Scholten et al., “The Geopolitics of Renewables: New Board, New Game”, in Energy Policy,
Vol. 138 (March 2020), Article 111059.
* Marco Giuli is Scientific Advisor at the Istituto Aari Internazionali (IAI), where he contributes to
the Programme “Energy, Climate and Resources. He is a Researcher at the Institute for European
Studies of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and an Associate Policy Analyst at the European
Policy Centre (EPC).
. Paper prepared in the context of the project “The role of Italy in the international economy
of hydrogen: geo-economic and geopolitical implications”, a project run by the Istituto Aari
Internazionali (IAI) with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Aairs and International
Cooperation (MAECI) and Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation. Views expressed are the author’s
The Geopolitics of Clean Hydrogen – Opportunities and Challenges for Italy
© 2022 IAIIAI PAPERS 22 | 17 - JUNE 2022 ISSN 2610-9603 | ISBN 978-88-9368-255-8
methane reforming with the addition of carbon capture and storage (blue
hydrogen) By oering the possibility of turning electrons into molecules and
then back to electrons, hydrogen promises to become a carrier for clean energy
over long distances, potentially reproducing infrastructural and geographical
interdependencies that were typical of the fossil-fuel-based order, depending on
its generation route. The export of green hydrogen – generated via electrolysis –
might give rise to emerging electrostates. The export of blue hydrogen – produced
from methane reforming processes with the addition of carbon capture and storage
(CCS) – could allow gas exporters to preserve some role in the new energy map.
However, at a closer inspection, hydrogen’s distinctive technological features
may also call into question the possibility for such a carrier to become a “new oil”
in the broader global political picture. Hydrogen’s geopolitical dimension will be
largely defined by what choices states and commercial actors will take with respect
to: producing it domestically or importing it; producing it for export, or using it
domestically and attracting final users from abroad; privileging its use in essential
hard-to-abate sectors such as the steel, chemical or refining industries, or as a
substitute for electrification in residential heating or road transport.4 In turn,
the broader geopolitical environment is also expected to play a role in orienting
actors to make their choices. These questions oblige us to think about hydrogen in
distinctive geopolitical terms.
This paper examines the potential geopolitics of hydrogen, looking first at what
type of geography the emergence of hydrogen technologies is likely to produce,
then exploring the potential elements of geopolitical contestations associated with
hydrogen interdependencies, and finally reflecting on geopolitical opportunities
and barriers that Italy could meet as it seeks to become an international hydrogen
actor. This work complements a previous paper that inquired about Italy’s
prospective collocation in an emerging international economy of clean hydrogen.5
1. Defining clean hydrogen geography
At present, hydrogen is not an internationally traded commodity. Hydrogen
is produced nationally by its consumers mostly from natural gas, while cross-
border trade infrastructures are largely non-existent. While production and
consumption of clean hydrogen are likely to maintain a national dimension in
the short term, elements of regionalism or even global trade may emerge over the
long term, reflecting the evolution of material conditions such as production cost
dierentials and dynamics in transportation cost, and the will of actors to engage
4 Thijs Van de Graaf et al., “The New Oil? The Geopolitics and International Governance of Hydrogen”,
in Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 70 (December 2020), Article 101667, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
5 Marco Giuli, Italy in the International Hydrogen Economy, Rome, IAI, February 2022, https://www.

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