
Disclosures & Disclaimer: This report must be read with the disclosures and the analyst certifications in
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Title of report Month 20xxEquities // Subcategory
By: Dun Wang (S1700519060002), Corey Chan (S1700518100001), Yi Ru (S1700520120001)
China Green Hydrogen
Ready for prime time
Green hydrogen is taking o in China,
which is set to lead the world in its
adoption, driven by tighter emission
standards and falling costs
We show why chemical and steel
producers are set to be the biggest
commercial users of this clean fuel
over the next five years…
…and highlight other major
implications such as a brighter outlook
for renewable power and re-rating
opportunities along the supply chain
Energy Transition
Equity Research Report
March 2022
China Thematic research
Energy Transition Equities
March 2022
Prime time for green hydrogen
Green hydrogen is on the cusp of becoming far more widely adopted in China as the costs
come tumbling down. It’s an energy source that is crucial to achieving net zero emissions it is
produced using renewable energy and produces no carbon emissions when consumed but up
to now has been prohibitively expensive. That is changing as since 2021, China’s oil majors and
leading chemical companies have started using this fuel source to power their plants, leading to
cost reductions for this emerging energy source.
In this report, we look at applications which are most commercially viable in the next five years,
namely green hydrogen being used by chemical and steel producers as they can make it on
site, so there is no need for transportation. But we also look at the wider development of green
hydrogen in China and detail a number of major implications to investors:
The cost of green hydrogen is set to decrease by 38% in 2022-25e, driven by the falling
costs of electrolysers, the equipment which splits water to make hydrogen, and solar
We detail the beneficiaries all along the green hydrogen supply chain. While revenue may
not be significant in the next two years, we see re-rating opportunities ahead.
Green hydrogen also improves the outlook for renewable power like solar and wind, as for
the first time, we see a commercially-viable solution to power grid instability as storing
energy in the form of hydrogen is 5-15x cheaper than lithium batteries.
We expect average annual electrolyser system installation to be 20GW over the next five
years in China, compared to only 1-1.5GW in 2022e, and equivalent to RMB79bn of annual
equipment spending. We believe exponential growth to happen in 2024-25e.
We see China playing a key role in global green hydrogen development. Two-thirds of
electrolysers in 2022 are set to be installed in China, per BNEF estimates.
We explain why we prefer green hydrogen to carbon capture, utilisation and storage
(CCUS), a technology that is both complementary and competing with green hydrogen.
Why read this report?
Green hydrogen is taking off in China, which is set to lead the world
in its adoption, driven by tighter emission standards and falling costs
We show why chemical and steel producers are set to be the biggest
commercial users of this clean fuel over the next five years…
and highlight other major implications such as a brighter outlook for
renewable power and re-rating opportunities along the supply chain
Dun Wang* (S1700519060002)
Analyst, A-share Infrastructure &
HSBC Qianhai Securities Limited
+86 21 6081 3827
* Employed by a non-US affiliate of HSBC
Securities (USA) Inc, and is not registered/
qualified pursuant to FINRA regulations
Energy Transition Equities
March 2022
Facts and figures 3
Related research 4
Executive summary 5
Green hydrogen is entering
the ‘real application’ stage 5
Stocks 9
ESG Integration 11
Valuation and risks 16
Virtuous cycle starts 17
Green hydrogen 17
Prefer green hydrogen to CCUS 26
Where do the opportunities lie? 28
Company section 30
CNCEC (601117 CH) 31
Longi (601012 CH) 37
MCC (601618 CH) 41
Sinopec Oilfield Equipment
(000852 CH) 44
Disclosure appendix 48
Disclaimer 53

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