The Hydrogen Hubs Conundrum:
How to Fund an Ecosystem
Recent federal legislation provides $8 billion to develop at least four hydrogen hubs, but little
guidance. DOE should focus its funding on the capital costs of hydrogen production and
infrastructure, while generally eschewing operating expenses and support for end users.
DOE must fund the hydrogen production plant at the core of each hub at a cost of about
$250 million–$500 million each, with a 50 percent private sector cost share.
Capital expenditures on associated infrastructure, such as hydrogen delivery systems,
should also be supported by DOE, using the same 50 percent cost share.
As the core plant ramps up, DOE may need to support its operating expenses to
accelerate the growth of sustainable end-use markets. But it should be careful not to
extend these subsidies much beyond when the plant reaches full-scale operation.
DOE should also avoid subsidizing infrastructure operations, and it should not subsidize
end users except to seed specific markets temporarily. Ongoing subsidies are inconsistent
with the hubs mission of demonstrating sustainable markets.
DOE funding should not flow through each hubs organizing entity to specific hub
projects. Instead, the organizers should include all related projects in their proposals, but
DOE should fund projects directly, set the terms, and oversee them.
Finally, DOE should explore ways to help de-risk hubs and associated demonstration
projects in other ways. For example, the volatility of energy prices presents a key risk.
DOE should explore ways to insure or hedge against this and other risks.
Key Takeaways ................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2
What Is a Hydrogen Hub? .................................................................................................. 3
The Strategic Challenge for DOE: Fund a Single Project or a Multiproject Ecosystem? ............... 4
The Core Plant Focus ..................................................................................................... 4
The Distributed Funding Model ....................................................................................... 4
What Should DOE Fund? ................................................................................................... 5
Core Plant Capital Expenditures ...................................................................................... 5
Facility Operations ......................................................................................................... 6
Infrastructure ................................................................................................................ 6
End-User Subsidies ....................................................................................................... 7
De-risking ..................................................................................................................... 7
Who Funds What? ............................................................................................................. 8
How to Fund an Ecosystem ................................................................................................ 9
Next Step: The Selection Process ..................................................................................... 10
Endnotes ....................................................................................................................... 11
In November 2021, Congress passed a massive package of direct federal investments in low-
carbon energy systems as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA, also known as
the bipartisan infrastructure law). The IIJAs inclusion of more than $20 billion to support pilot
and demonstration projects was particularly noteworthy, a major step toward filling the biggest
gap in the U.S. clean energy innovation ecosystem. The law also established a new office in
DOE, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, to oversee these projects thus address a
significant gap in its management structure.1
The largest program in this portfolio is the Regional Hydrogen Hubs program (known as H2Hubs),
funded at $8 billion over five years. This sum vastly exceeds prior investments in the field. DOE
intends to create at least four and likely eight or even more of these hubs. Given hydrogens
versatility as an energy carrier, with the potential to contribute to electric power, transportation,
energy storage, industrial heat, and other uses, H2Hubs represents a bold initiative to accelerate
innovation that would make it a core component of the nations energy mix.
This briefing examines the overarching strategic challenge facing DOE as it seeks to implement
the program: defining what a hub is and what elements of it warrant federal support. Future
briefings will explore other aspects of the program.
What is a hydrogen hub, anyway? Section 813(a) of the IIJA defines a regional clean hydrogen
hubas a network of clean hydrogen producers, potential clean hydrogen consumers, and
connective infrastructure located in close proximity.2 Clearly, Congress understands a hubto
be much more than a single major hydrogen production facility: It explicitly included downstream
users and the infrastructure to connect them to the facility. (Similar thinking is also embedded
in the laws new program for Direct Air Capture hubs.3)
However, the Notice of Intent (NOI) published by DOE in July, which sketches the agencys
implementation plans, suggests quite strongly that DOE will focus funding on the hydrogen
production facility (which we refer to as the core plant), rather than the broader ecosystem
around it. In particular, the NOI offers specific targets for hydrogen production scale (a minimum
of 50 metric tonnes [MT] daily), along with alignment with key metrics embedded in the
ambitious agency-wide Hydrogen Shotinitiative: production costs of less than $2 per H2 kg,
falling over time to $1; and less than 2 kg of lifecycle CO2 emissions per kg of H2 of produced.4
All these targets are directly relevant for a core plant, and difficult to apply to the wider
The NOI thus suggests a strategic challenge for DOE. On the one hand, it appears to be seeking
accountability and simplicity by focusing its funding on the core plant. On the other, it has an
obligation to fulfill the congressional mandate to help build a hydrogen-driven ecosystem, which
will depend on a flourishing ecology of end users and an effective infrastructure that links them
to the core plant.
This report argues that DOE should resolve the challenge by making good on the NOI,
funding the core plant at the center of the hubs, as such a plant provides the most direct means
of providing long-term benefits to the regional hydrogen ecosystem. But DOE should
critical infrastructure improvements on a case-by-case basis, removing important roadblocks to
the adoption of hydrogen. The core plant will inevitably soak up a large percentage of the
available funds, but its important to ensure that other critical pieces are supported as needed.
Once this broad strategy is approved, DOE will have two further issues to resolve. First, there is
the question of who selects and funds specific projects. The NOI states DOE’s plans to fund a
single entity in each region. Presumably, those entities would then fund projects (possibly even
the core plant, although DOE could also fund that directly). We believe this delegated approach
to be risky for both DOE and the hub entity. We recommend a hybrid approach in which all
fundable projects are included in the hub proposal, but with DOE making the formal selection
and directly funding selected projects. The process would then be supported by DOEs project
selection expertise (which the hubs dont have) and by federal acquisition regulations (which
hubs dont use).
Second, there is the question of identifying the projects to support beyond the core plant. We
anticipate that construction of the core plant will utilize on the order of $250 million to $500
million in DOE funding for each hub.5 This leaves a pool of funding that could reach hundreds of
millions of dollars for each hub, depending on the eventual number of hubs. Those dollars could
be spent on three areas: 1) ongoing operational funding for the core plant, 2) infrastructure
(primarily for delivering hydrogen to end users), and 3) supporting end users of hydrogen, such
as industrial plants or transportation systems. We accept that operational funding would be

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