
An International Energy Forum report written with
Anne-Sophie Corbeau
June 2022
Written and produced by:
Mason Hamilton
Allyson Cutright
Anne-Sophie Corbeau
The International Energy Forum (IEF) is the worlds largest international energy organization
with members from 71 countries and includes both producing and consuming nations. The
IEF has a broad mandate to examine all energy issues, including oil and gas, clean and
renewable energy, sustainability, energy transitions, new technologies, data transparency,
and energy access. Through the Forum and its associated events, officials, industry
executives, and other experts engage in a dialogue of increasing importance to global energy
security and sustainability.
Anne-Sophie Corbeau is a Global Research Scholar at the Center on Global Energy Policy
at Columbia Universitys School of International and Public Affairs. Her research focuses on
hydrogen and natural gas. Anne-Sophie has over 20 years of experience in the energy
industry and is a recognized expert. She is the author of many publications focusing on gas,
LNG markets, Asia, China, India, and Africa, including the book LNG markets in transition:
the great reconfiguration (Oxford, 2016). She is also a member of the Gastech governing
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................ 3
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 4
Hydrogen will play a key role in decarbonizing the energy mix, but massive investment and
development along the supply chain are needed ........................................................................ 6
Status Quo: A Nascent and Niche Market ....................................................................................... 6
Demand for hydrogen totaled 89 Mt in 2020, contributing to only 1% of the energy mix ............ 7
Petroleum refining and chemical processes account for 96% of hydrogen demand .................. 7
China produces/consumes ~25% of hydrogen globally ............................................................... 8
Non-abated fossil fuels currently dominate hydrogen production ............................................... 8
Most hydrogen is produced on-site .............................................................................................. 9
Pipelines and overland transport used now ............................................................................... 10
Storage is currently limited ......................................................................................................... 10
Pricing is opaque ........................................................................................................................ 10
Strengths and Opportunities: Why is the Hydrogen Market Expected to Grow? .......................... 11
Demand a solution for hard-to-abate sectors and a source of power systems flexibility ....... 11
Hydrogen can offer flexibility and be stored ............................................................................... 12
High energy density per mass .................................................................................................... 12
The hydrogen economy goes beyond hydrogen ....................................................................... 13
Less vulnerable to geopolitical weaponization compared to traditional energy sources ........... 13
Synergy with existing industries ................................................................................................. 13
Weaknesses and Threats: What Will Limit Hydrogen’s Growth? .................................................. 14
Reducing the cost of hydrogen .................................................................................................. 14
Low energy density per volume ................................................................................................. 15
Energy-intensive production and inefficient energy carrier ........................................................ 15
Lack of existing dedicated infrastructure, carbon capture, and critical minerals ....................... 17
Public acceptance and safety .................................................................................................... 18
Solutions and Keys to Success ..................................................................................................... 19
Scaling-up the supply chain ....................................................................................................... 19
Moving from localized to global markets .................................................................................... 19
Low-cost or stranded energy will help grow production hubs .................................................... 20
Transportation infrastructure crucial in market scale-up ............................................................ 21

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