第19 卷第 4期
2021 年7月
生 物 加 工 过 程
Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
Vol 19 No 4
Jul. 2021
doi:10 3969/ j issn 1672-3678 2021 04 001
收稿日期:2021-04-06 修回日期:2021-05-07
作者简介:周建斌(1965—),男,江西吉安人,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:生物质能源与炭材料,E⁃mail:zhoujianbin@ njfu.edu.cn
ZHOU Jianbin,MA Huanhuan, ZHANG Yimeng. Technology and industrialization progress of biochar preparation from straw [ J]. Chin J
Bioprocess Eng,2021,19(4)
周建斌1,2,马欢欢1,2 ,章一蒙1,2
(1. 南京林业大学 材料科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 210035;
2. 江苏省生物质气化多联产工程研究中心,江苏 南京 210035)
摘 要:秸秆生物质炭是秸秆在无氧或限制性供氧条件下,经过一定的温度热解得到的固体产物。秸秆生物质炭
返回土壤,而且秸秆炭含碳量达 65%以上,具有良好的固碳减排作用。本文结合南京林业大学生物质气化多联产
团队近 20 年来对秸秆生物质炭的研究与产业化的情况,综述了秸秆制备生物质炭技术、设备及产业化进展,讨论
中图分类号:X71;TQ424.1+9 文章编号:1672-3678(2021)04-0345-13
Technology and industrialization progress of biochar preparation from straw
ZHOU Jianbin1,2 ,MA Huanhuan1,2 ,ZHANG Yimeng1,2
(1.College of Materials Science and Engineering,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210035,China;
2.Jiangsu Biomass Gasification Polygeneration Engineering Research Center,Nanjing 210035,China)
Abstract:Straw biochar is a solid product formed by pyrolysis at high temperature under the condition
without oxygen or restricted oxygen supply. Due to its high ash content and low calorific value,in areas
such as activated carbon,industrial carbon application is limited.Returning straw biochar to the soil can
play the role of biochar in carbon sequestration and emission reduction,relieve soil hardening. It can also
help plants absorb metal trace elements to return to the soil,increase soil organic matter content,improve
crop production and quality.The carbon content of straw charcoal is more than 65% to have a good role in
carbon fixation and emission reduction. In this paper, combining with the biomass gasification
polygeneration team of Nanjing Forestry University in the past 20 years on the biochar research and
industrialization.We review the technology,equipment and industrialization progress of biochar production
from straw. Raw material adaptability, yield, capacity and comprehensive economic benefits of straw
biochar production from destructive distillation, carbonization and gasification are discussed to provide
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