
Supplementary Information
Low-Cost Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and
Energy Insecurity for 145 Countries
Mark Z. Jacobson, Anna-Katharina von Krauland, Stephen J. Coughlin,
Emily Dukas, Alexander J.H. Nelson, Frances C. Palmer, Kylie R. Rasmussen
This supplementary information file contains some additional description of the models
plus additional tables and figures to help explain more fully the methods and results found
in this study.
Supporting Text
Note S1. Summary
Countries around the world are undergoing a transition to clean, renewable energy to
reduce air pollution, climate-damaging pollutants, and energy insecurity. To minimize
damage, all energy should ideally be transitioned by 2035. Whether this occurs will depend
substantially on social and political factors. One potential barrier is the concern that a
transition to intermittent wind and solar will cause blackouts. To analyze this issue, we
examine the ability of 145 countries grouped into 24 world regions to avoid blackouts
under realistic weather conditions that affect both energy demand and supply, when energy
for all purposes originates from 100% clean, renewable (zero air pollution and zero carbon)
Wind-Water-Solar (WWS) and storage. The 24 regions include a mix of seven large multi-
country regions (Africa, Central America, Central Asia, China region, Europe, India
region, the Middle East, South America, and Southeast Asia) and 17 individual countries
or pairs of countries (Australia, Canada, Cuba, Haiti-Dominican Republic, Israel, Iceland,
Jamaica, Japan, Mauritius, New Zealand, the Philippines, Russia-Georgia, South Korea,
Taiwan, and the United States). Three-year (2050-52) grid stability analyses for all regions
indicate that transitioning to WWS can keep the grid stable, even under variable weather
conditions, at low-cost, everywhere. Annual energy costs are 62.7 (38.9-77.8)% lower and
social costs (energy plus health plus climate) costs are 92.0 (72.2-96.2)% lower than in
business-as-usual (BAU) cases. Batteries are the main electricity storage option in most
Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Energy & Environmental Science.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022
regions. No batteries with more than 4 hours of storage are needed. Instead, long-duration
storage is obtained by concatenating batteries with 4-hour storage. The new land footprint
and spacing areas required for WWS systems are small relative to the land taken up by the
fossil fuel industry. The transition may create millions more long-term, full-time jobs than
lost and will eliminate not only carbon, but also air pollution, from energy. There is little
downside to a transition.
Note S2. Methodology
This section describes the methodology for developing year-2050 roadmaps to transition
each of 145 countries to 100% WWS among all energy sectors to meet annual average
load. It then describes the grid integration studies for each region or country to meet
continuous load every 30 seconds for three years. The main steps in performing the analysis
described here are as follows:
(1) Projecting business-as-usual (BAU) end-use energy demand from 2018 to 2050 for
each of seven fuel types in each of six energy-use sectors, for each of 145 countries;
(2) estimating the 2050 reduction in demand due to electrifying or providing direct heat
for each fuel type in each sector in each country and providing the electricity and
heat with WWS;
(3) performing resource analyses then estimating mixes of wind-water-solar (WWS)
electricity and heat generators required to meet the aggregate demand in each
country in the annual average;
(4) using a prognostic global weather-climate-air pollution model (GATOR-
GCMOM), which accounts for competition among wind turbines for available
kinetic energy, to estimate wind and solar radiation fields and building heat and
cold loads every 30 seconds for three years in each country;
(5) grouping the 145 countries into 24 world regions and using a model
(LOADMATCH) to match variable energy demand with variable energy supply,
storage, and demand response (DR) in each region every 30 seconds, from 2050 to
(6) evaluating energy, health, and climate costs of WWS vs BAU;
(7) calculating land area requirements of WWS;
(8) calculating changes in WWS versus BAU jobs numbers; and
(9) discussing and evaluating uncertainties.
Thus, three types of models are used for this study: a spreadsheet model (Steps 1-3), a 3-D
global weather-climate-air pollution model (Step 4), and a grid model (Steps 5-8). We start
with 2018 business-as-usual (BAU) end-use energy consumption data for each country
from IEA (2021). End-use energy is energy directly used by a consumer. It is the energy
embodied in electricity, natural gas, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and jet fuel that people use
directly, including to extract and transport fuels themselves. It equals primary energy minus
the energy lost in converting primary energy to end-use energy, including the energy lost
during transmission and distribution. Primary energy is the energy naturally embodied in
chemical bonds in raw fuels, such as coal, oil, natural gas, biomass, uranium, or renewable
(e.g., hydroelectric, solar, wind) electricity, before the fuel has been subjected to any
conversion process.
For each country, the data include end-use energy in each of the residential, commercial,
transportation, industrial, agriculture-forestry-fishing, and military-other sectors, and for
each of six energy categories (oil, natural gas, coal, electricity, heat for sale, solar and
geothermal heat, and wood and waste heat).
These data are projected for each fuel type in each sector in each country from 2018 to
2040 using “BAU reference scenario” projections for each of 16 world regions (EIA,
2016). This is extended to 2075 using a ten-year moving linear extrapolation. The reference
scenario is one of moderate economic growth and accounts for policies, population growth,
economic and energy growth, the growth of some renewable energy, modest energy
efficiency measures, and reduced energy use. EIA refers to their reference scenario as their
BAU scenario. The 2050 BAU end-use energy for each fuel type in each energy sector in
each of 145 countries is then set equal to the corresponding 2018 end-use energy from IEA
(2021) multiplied by the EIA 2050-to-2018 energy consumption ratio, available after the
extrapolation, for each fuel type, energy sector, and region containing the country.
The 2050 BAU end-use energy for each fuel type in each sector and country is then
transitioned to 2050 WWS electricity and heat using the factors in Table S3. Thus, for
example, the source of residential and commercial building heat is converted from fossil
fuel, wood, or waste heat to air- and ground-source heat pumps running on WWS
electricity. Building cooling is also provided by heat pumps powered by WWS electricity.
Liquid fuel (mostly gasoline and diesel) and natural gas vehicles are transitioned primarily
to battery electric (BE) vehicles and some hydrogen fuel cell (HFC) vehicles, where the
hydrogen is produced with WWS electricity (i.e., green hydrogen). BE vehicles are
assumed to dominate short- and long-distance light-duty ground transportation,
construction machines, agricultural equipment, short- and moderate-distance (<1,200 km)
heavy-duty trucks, trains (except where powered by electric rails or overhead wires),
ferries, speedboats, and ships. Batteries will also power short-haul (<1,500 km) aircraft
flights. HFC vehicles will make up all long-distance, heavy payload transport by road, rail,
water, and air, as well as heavy-duty air, water, and land military transportation machines
(Katalenich, 2020).
High- and medium-temperature industrial processes are electrified with electric arc
furnaces, induction furnaces, resistance furnaces, dielectric heaters, and electron beam
heaters. Low-temperature heat for industry is assumed to be provided with electric heat
Next, in each country, a mix of WWS resources is estimated to meet the all-sector annual-
average end-use energy demand. The mix is determined after a WWS resource analysis is
performed for each country and after the technical potential of each WWS resource in each
country is estimated. Jacobson et al. (2017) provide the methodology for the resource
analysis performed here for each country.

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