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Forward-looking & Overview
2017 年6月 第 36 卷 第6期
石油石化行业 CO2捕集、利用和封存技术的研究进展
张引弟 胡多多 刘畅 刘捷 田磊 伍丽娟 沈秋婉 史宝成
摘要:为了应对全球气候变暖这一国际性难题,CO2捕集、利用和封存(Carbon Capture,Utilization
and Storage,CCUS)技术应运而生,而石油石化行业作为高碳化行业,将面临更大的挑战。调研了
全球石油石化行业在 CCUS 技术领域研究取得的最新进展,列举了我国开展的一系列相关技术研
发和示范项目,进一步阐述了该行业所取得的技术成果。提出了一套针对石油石化行业 CCUS 的
二甲醚(DME,分离出的 CO2用于驱油),并对这两种利用方式进行了经济性比较。在此基础上,提
出了一种环境风险评估方法—— 定性评估为主的风险矩阵法,制定了风险重要性等级二维矩阵表和
风险重要性等级划分标准,并就中国石油石化行业在 CCUS 技术领域的未来发展提出了几点建议。
中图分类号:TE09 文献标识码:A doi: 10.6047/j.issn.1000-8241.2017.06.005
网络出版时间:2017-4-18 10:21:53
Research progress of CO2 capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
technologies in petroleum and petrochemical industry
ZHANG Yindi, HU Duoduo, LIU Chang, LIU Jie, TIAN Lei, WU Lijuan, SHEN Qiuwan, SHI Baocheng
College of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University
Abstract: Global climate warming has always been the focus of attention of international community. To deal with this
global diffi culty of climate change, the CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies emerged at the right
moment. As a high carbonization industry, petroleum and petrochemical industry will be faced with bigger challenges. In
this paper, the latest research progress of CCUS technologies in global petroleum and petrochemical industry and a series
of related technology research & development and demonstration projects in China were investigated, and the technological
achievements in this industry was illustrated further. Then, a set of technical plan targeting at the CCUS in petroleum and
petrochemical industry was put forward. The fl ue gas generated from gas fi red boilers is synthesized with natural gas by
virtue of tri-reforming action, and the synthesis gas is recycled or used for the DME synthesis (the separated CO2 is used for
oil displacement). And these two utilization modes were economically compared. And accordingly, a kind of environmental
risk evaluation method was developed, i.e., risk matrix method dominantly used for qualitative evaluation, and a 2D
matrix table and a classifi cation standard of risk importance level were formulated. In addition, some suggestions on the
development of CCUS technology in petroleum and petrochemical industry were proposed. (5 Figures, 7 Tables,
30 References)
Key words: CO2 Capture, Utilization and Storage, petroleum and petrochemical industry, DME, risk matrix method
其发展,温室气体排放持续增长,可能导致 2100 年全