2022 年 2 月 油 气 与 新 能 源 第 34 卷 第 1 期
张磊 1,张哲 1,巴玺立 1,王春燕 1,王念榕 1,陈思锭 1,桑国强 2,3
引用:张磊,张哲,巴玺立 ,等.“碳中和 ”背景下油气田碳捕集技术发展方向[J].油气与 新能源,2022,34(1):
摘要:在“碳中和”“碳达峰”目标和路径下,CCUS(碳捕集、利用与封存)或 CCS(碳捕集与
封存)是实现二氧化碳减排的关键技术之一。碳捕集是 CCUS(CCS)技术全流程中成本控制和
多数为低压碳源。通过对碳捕集技术现状的分析,认为对于低压中浓度碳源,可采用活化 MDEA
中图分类号:TQ028,X741 文献标识码:ADOI:10.3969/j.issn.2097-0021.2022.01.014
Development Direction of Oil and Gas Field Carbon Capture under
“Carbon Neutral” Background
ZHANG Lei1, ZHANG Zhe1, BA Xili1, WANG Chunyan1, WANG Nianrong1,
CHEN Siding1, SANG Guoqiang2,3
1.PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute; 2.Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development;
3.State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery
Abstract: According to the purpose and path of “carbon neutrality” and “carbon peak”, CCUS (Carbon Capture,
Utilization and Storage) or CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) remains one of the key technologies to reduce the carbon
dioxide emissions. In this regard, carbon capture serves as the significant step of cost control and large-scale promotion
in terms of the whole process of CCUS (CCS). By analyzing the carbon dioxide emissions by oil and gas field
enterprises, it is regarded that the majority of the carbon sources of oil and gas field enterprises are low pressure carbon
sources. In addition, based on the analysis of the current situation of carbon capture technology, it is believed that the
chemical absorption method could be adopted with activated MDEA (methyldiethanolamine) as the main solution. The
bottleneck for promotion lies in the high energy consumption of solvent desorption. So, it is a must to intensify the
research and project experiment concerning the new-type chemical absorption solvent with low energy consumption; as
for the low pressure and low concentration carbon sources, there exist no economical and mature technologies. Apart
from the increased efforts to conduct research and development of chemical absorption solvent with low energy
consumption, it is vital to carry out the mixed technology researches involving pressure swing adsorption or chemical
absorption so as to reduce the carbon capture cost.
Keywords: CCUS; CCS; Gas and oil field; Carbon capture; Carbon dioxide; Low pressure and low concentration