工作论文 | 2019年2月 | 3
centralized bidding, listed transaction, distributed market
transaction. The rst three means were mainly used in
thermal power trading, while with the progress of power
sector reform, more and more green power producers
are going to participate in these transactions. The fourth
means involves companies buying excess power from their
neighbor’s small- or medium-scale renewable sources via
distribution lines. In this case, power grids are responsible
for transmitting the electricity, and will only charge a
certain amount of “network fee”. Distributed market
transaction further includes three modes of operation:
direct transaction, commissioned transaction, as well
as full acquisition and distribution by the power grid.
Among these three modes, direct transaction yields the
highest prots. Distributed market transaction is now
still in the pilot phase, and is developing slowly due to the
reluctance of power grids whose prots will be aected. If
this obstacle could be overcome, corporate green power
purchase would see new opportunities.
The third option is to purchase Green Electricity
Certicates (GECs). China had launched its rst
voluntary trading platform for GECs in July 2017.
Certicates are awarded to renewable energy generators
such as onshore wind farms, solar power plants
(excluding distributed solar generators). Transactions
can be made through bilateral negotiation or centralized
bidding, and the nal price should not exceed the feed-
in-tari. However, GECs sold through the voluntary
platform are not bundled with the physical delivery of
electricity to buyers, and the price of certicates is at
a high level, which resulted in a quiet market of GECs.
New opportunities could lie in the renewable portfolio
standard (RPS) system that is expected to be ocially
initiated in 2019. NEA has released three versions
of consultation draft of RPS in 2018. This system
requires obligated entities to include a certain amount
of renewable power in its energy portfolio, which could
increase the demand for GECs.
Considering the characteristics of the existing three green
electricity procurement approaches, we recommend that
corporates with green electricity consumption to take
following decision steps to select the approach:
I. First of all, for power consumers who are qualied
for investment in distributed renewable projects
by themselves or by third parties, option one might
be the rst priority for green power procurement.
Taking nancial condition and expertise into account,
power consumers can either invest in the projects
by themselves or invite a third party to invest in the
projects and sale them green electricity at a discount.
II. Secondly, for enterprises lack of conditions or
resources for investment, we suggest them procure
green electricity through bilateral negotiation,
centralized bidding, or listed transaction, depending
on the products provided by power transaction
centers. In addition, peer-to-peer trading of
distributed generation is in the pilot stage. It is
recommended that enterprises keep an eye on the
latest trend and explore cooperation with Integrated
Energy Service Providers and power suppliers.
III. Finally, purchasing green electricity certicates is
the easiest way for enterprises to meet their goal
of green power consumption. While the price of
GECs is set according to the subsidy intensity, it’s
still quite expensive. With continued decline of
renewable energy cost, if the price of GECs decouples
with subsidy intensity, GECs will be more economic