
Quantifying N2O Emissions Reductions in Agricultural Crops through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate Reduction
Approved VCS Methodology
Version 1.1, 30 September 2013
Sectoral Scope 14
Quantifying N2O Emissions
Reductions in Agricultural Crops
through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate
©2013 Michigan State University
VM0022, Version 1.1
Sectoral Scope 14
Copyright @2013 Michigan State University 2
Methodology prepared by:
The VCS Methodology VM0022, Quantifying N2O Emissions Reductions in Agricultural Crops through Nitrogen Fertilizer Rate
Reduction, was developed by Michigan State University (MSU) with support from the Electric Power Research Institute
Principal authors are Neville Millar, G. Philip Robertson, and Adam Diamant with collaborators Ronald J. Gehl, Peter R.
Grace, and John P. Hoben.
The authors thank Suzanne Sippel and Iurii Shcherbak for help with specific analyses, and many reviewers both public and
anonymous for helpful suggestions for improvement. Financial support was provided by EPRI, the US National Science
Foundation’s Longterm Ecological Research Program, and MSU AgBioResearch.
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The methodology is licensed as is.” The methodology developer disclaims any and all responsibilities or warranties of any kind
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VM0022, Version 1.1
Sectoral Scope 14
Copyright @2013 Michigan State University 3
Table of Contents
1 Sources .................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Summary Description of the Methodology .............................................................................................. 4
3 Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 4
4 Applicability Conditions ............................................................................................................................ 5
5 Project Boundary ..................................................................................................................................... 7
6 Procedure for Determining the Baseline Scenario .................................................................................. 9
7 Procedure for Demonstrating Additionality ............................................................................................ 10
8 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals ................................................................ 11
8.1 Baseline Emissions .............................................................................................................................. 11
8.2 Project Emissions ................................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 Leakage ................................................................................................................................................ 16
8.4 Summary of GHG Emission Reduction and/or Removals ................................................................... 17
9 Monitoring .............................................................................................................................................. 18
9.1 Data and Parameters Available at Validation....................................................................................... 18
9.2 Data and Parameters Monitored .......................................................................................................... 24
9.3 Description of thee Monitoring Plan ..................................................................................................... 27
10 Appendices ............................................................................................................................................ 28
11 References ............................................................................................................................................ 52

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