
Approved VCS Methodology
Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
Methodology for Improved Forest
Management - Logged to Protected
Approved VCS Methodology
Version 1.0
Calculating GHG Benefits from
Preventing Planned Degradation
Methodology for Improved Forest
Management: Calculating GHG
Benefits from Logged to Protected
Methodology for Improved Forest
Management: Calculating GHG
Approved VCS Methodology
Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
Methodology for Improved Forest
Management Logged to Protected
Calculating GHG Benefits from
Preventing Planned Degradation
© 2011 Carbon Planet Limited
VM0011, Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
This Methodology provides a procedure to determine the net greenhouse gas (GHG) emission
reductions associated with an Improved Forest Management - Logged to Protected Forest (IFM-LtPF)
activity where the baseline activity is selective logging.
Samuel Phua, Sunil Sharma, Marnie Telfer, Helen Chandler
The authors would like to acknowledge contributions from Hilary Smith, Sophie Bickford, Megan Vovers,
Davide Ross, Dave Sag, Jesse Reynolds, James Saunders and Remco Marcelis.
This work is copyright Carbon Planet Limited © 2009-2010 and is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License. To view a copy of this license, visit
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/au/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second
Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
VM0011, Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
Executive Summary
The Methodology provides a procedure to determine the net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission reductions associated with an Improved Forest Management - Logged to Protected Forest
(IFM-LtPF) activity which prevents the degradation of a forest through the cessation of a baseline activity
of selective logging.
The Methodology is written to be compliant with VCS 2007.1. The Methodology specifically applies to
previously logged or intact tropical forests, where the baseline activity can be clearly demonstrated and
substantiated to be selective logging.
The key components of the Methodology are:
(1) Applicability criteria and decision pathway for applying this Methodology based on the
availability of data sources
(2) Justification for a baseline activity of selective logging, additionality and definition of project
(3) Accounting for carbon changes of the baseline activity of selective logging
(4) Accounting for emissions due to implementation of the baseline and IFM-LtPF project activity
(5) Leakage assessment and management
(6) Uncertainty analysis
(7) Monitoring methodology
The application of this Methodology is based on the justification that selective logging is the most likely
baseline activity above all other possible land use alternatives.
The Methodology calculates the net anthropogenic emission reductions by firstly estimating emissions
due to forest degradation and the implementation of the baseline activity, selective logging. From this,
GHG emissions associated with the implementation of the IFM-LtPF project activity, plus any emissions
due to leakage of the baseline activity occurring outside the Project Area (as a result of the IFM-LtPF
project activity), are subtracted from the baseline emissions to provide the net anthropogenic emission
reductions of the IFM-LtPF project.
The baseline scenario, selective logging, as defined in the Methodology, involves the annual removal of
merchantable trees with a minimum diameter at breast height as defined by the relevant authority in the
host country. According to the data available, the Methodology provides guidance on determining the
quantity and type of wood product that would be removed, as well as the nature of its fate as a result
of the baseline scenario. In summary, emissions due to carbon lost from forest degradation from
selective logging are attributable to (i) emissions from the oxidation of both short-term and long-term
harvested wood products that are removed from the Project Area, (ii) emissions from the decay of the
trimmings and branches, as well as any residual stand damage accumulating in the dead wood pool,
and (iii) emissions from carbon that is forfeited due to forest growth that did not occur (foregone) as a
result of the selective logging. These emissions are offset by (iv) regrowth in already harvested areas
following logging.

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