
VM0005, Version 1.2
Sectoral Scope 14
Page 1
Approved VCS Methodology
Version 1.2, 23 July 2013
Sectoral Scope 14
Methodology for Improved Forest
Management: Conversion of Low
Productive to High Productive Forest
© 2013 Face the Future
VM0005, Version 1.2
Sectoral Scope 14
Page 2
Table of Contents
1 Sources ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 Summary Description of the Methodology ............................................................................ 3
3 Definitions ............................................................................................................................. 5
4 Applicability Conditions ......................................................................................................... 5
5 Project Boundary .................................................................................................................. 7
5.1 Land Eligibility and Geographic Boundaries .................................................................. 7
5.2 Temporal Boundaries .................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Carbon Pools ................................................................................................................. 8
5.4 Greenhouse Gases........................................................................................................ 9
6 Procedure for Determining the Baseline Scenario .............................................................. 10
7 Procedure for Demonstrating Additionality ......................................................................... 10
8 Stratification ........................................................................................................................ 10
9 Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions and Removals .............................................. 11
9.1 Baseline Emissions ...................................................................................................... 11
9.2 Project Emissions ........................................................................................................ 36
9.3 Leakage ....................................................................................................................... 45
9.4 Summary of GHG Emission Reduction and/or Removals ........................................... 48
10 Monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 51
10.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 51
10.2 Monitoring of Regrowth in the Baseline Scenario ........................................................ 52
10.3 Monitoring of Project Implementation .......................................................................... 66
10.4 Monitoring of Project Carbon Stock Changes and Greenhouse Gas Emissions ......... 67
11 Uncertainty and Quality Managment ................................................................................... 80
VM0005, Version 1.2
Sectoral Scope 14
Page 3
This methodology is written to conform with the VCS rules that apply to Improved Forest Management
projects (conversion of low-productive forests to high-productive forests (LtHP)) and has been prepared
by Silvestrum on behalf of Face the Future, both based in the Netherlands. The methodology draws on
elements from VCS methodologies VM0007 and VM0011, and CDM methodology AR-ACM0002.
This methodology facilitates the quantification of the net GHG benefits of Improved Forest Management
projects in natural Evergreen Tropical Rainforests that achieve carbon benefits in one of, or a
combination of, two activities:
Avoiding emissions from re-logging of already logged-over forest; and,
Rehabilitation of previously logged-over forest by cutting climbers and vines, or liberation
thinning, or enrichment planting, or a combination of these activities.
The baseline scenario therefore consists of a logged-over natural Evergreen Tropical Rainforest,
normally with no or insignificant regrowth, that may or may not be relogged. To determine the emissions
in the baseline, the following components are quantified: volume of timber removed during relogging
(expanded to include emissions from total associated biomass losses); the amount of dead wood left
after relogging; the carbon stored in harvested wood products; if absence of regrowth cannot be
substantiated, regrowth of the residual stand; and, emissions associated with the establishment of
infrastructure and fuel consumption.
Because baselines often become counter factual once the project gets implemented, this methodology
facilitates the quantification of the above components in two ways:
On the basis of a-spatial data in a pre-relogging situation in the project area, in combination
with, for instance, logging information in a management plan; or,
By the determination of the carbon stock components after relogging has occurred in a
reference area for which similarity to the project area is demonstrated.
The relationship between the two baseline options and the project area is then established by analyzing
the logging rates in the various strata in the baseline, determining the same strata in the project area,
and applying the stratum-specific logging rates to the strata in the project area.
The methodology allows for the use of both approaches together, if either of the two cannot be
supported with a complete set of information, with the following examples: (1) While obtaining spatially
explicit post-relogging carbon stock data from a reference area through direct measurements, spatially
explicit pre-relogging data based on direct measurements may be lacking. Once the similarity of the
reference area and the project area has been ensured, pre-relogging carbon stock data may also be
obtained from the project area. (2) If spatially explicit pre-relogging carbon stock data based on direct
measurements is lacking, similarity between the reference area and the project area may be justified by
reconstructing pre-relogging carbon stocks from the post-relogging data of the reference area and

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