
Copyright © Infinite Earth, Ltd. 2010
Approved VCS Methodology VM0004
Version 1.0
Methodology for Conservation Projects that Avoid Planned Land Use Conversion in Peat Swamp
Sectoral Scope 14
Table of Contents
1. Sources ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Summary Description of the Methodology ....................................................................................... 3
3. Applicability Conditions .................................................................................................................... 5
4. Project Boundary ............................................................................................................................... 6
5. Stratification ...................................................................................................................................... 8
6. Procedure for Determining the Baseline Scenario ........................................................................... 11
7. Procedure for Demonstrating Additionality..................................................................................... 11
8. Baseline Emissions .......................................................................................................................... 11
9. Ex Ante Actual Net Avoided GHG Emissions ................................................................................. 39
10. Leakage ............................................................................................................................................ 40
11. Ex Ante Net Anthropogenic GHG Emissions Avoided ................................................................... 51
12. Uncertainties and Conservative Approach....................................................................................... 52
13. Data Needed for Ex Ante Estimations ............................................................................................. 56
14. Monitoring ....................................................................................................................................... 67
15. Monitoring of Project Implementation ............................................................................................ 67
16. Sampling Design and Stratification ................................................................................................. 68
17. Calculation of Ex Post Net Baseline GHG Emissions ..................................................................... 69
18. Data to be Collected and Archived for the Estimation of Net Baseline GHG Emissions ............... 70
19. Calculation of Ex Post Net Actual GHG Emissions Avoided ......................................................... 70
20. Data to be Collected and Archived for Ex Post Net Actual GHG Emissions Avoided ................... 87
21. Calculation of Leakage .................................................................................................................... 94
22. Data to be Collected and Archived for Leakage .............................................................................. 94
23. Ex Post Net Anthropogenic GHG Emissions Avoided .................................................................... 96
24. Accounting for Uncertainties ........................................................................................................... 96
25. Other Information ............................................................................................................................ 98
VM0004, Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
26. List of Variables Used in Equations .............................................................................................. 102
27. List of Acronyms Used in the Methodology.................................................................................. 102
28. References ...................................................................................................................................... 103
VM0004, Version 1.0
Sectoral Scope 14
1. Sources
This methodology is based on elements from the following methodologies:
AR-AM0004 (version 1.0)
AR-AM0007 (version 1.0)
AR-AM0005 (version 1.0)
AD Partners REDD Methodology Module (version 1.0, June 2010)
This methodology refers to the latest approved versions of the following tools:
VCS ―Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in VCS Agriculture, Forestry and
Other Land Use (AFOLU) Project Activities‖
CDM Tool ―Calculation of the number of sample plots for measurements within A/R CDM project
VCS Tool for Non-Permanence Risk Analysis and Buffer Determination
No approved methodology was available at the time this methodology was created because these
activities were not eligible under the CDM. Although avoided land use conversion was eligible as a
REDD activity under the VCS, peat was not currently an eligible carbon pool under the VCS at the time
of this methodology validation. The CDM A/R methodology template as used here was the only
methodology template available at the time that this methodology was first developed. As such, the
methods outlined in this methodology are comprehensive.
The leakage approach outlined in this methodology was adapted from the most current versions of the
leakage modules for ―estimation of emissions from activity shifting for avoided planned deforestation
and ―estimation of emissions from market effects‖ as summarized in the Avoided Deforestation Partners
REDD Methodological Modules (v. 1.0, June 2010).
2. Summary Description of the Methodology
This methodology outlines transparent and conservative methods to estimate the avoided net greenhouse
gas emissions resulting from project activities implemented to stop planned land use conversion in
tropical peat forest. It allows for the estimation of changes in carbon stocks in selected aboveground
carbon pools and also accounts for peat emissions. It conservatively draws the baseline scenario from
amongst the plausible scenarios, and presents methods to transparently estimate the GHG emissions
expected from the most likely land use(s) prior to the start of the project activity.
This methodology adopts a baseline approach which accounts for ―changes in carbon stocks in the pools
within the project boundary from the most likely land use at the time the project starts‖, taking into
account national, sectoral, and local policies influencing the land use prior to the start of the project
activity; the scope of project alternatives relative to the baseline; and barriers to implement the avoided
deforestation project activity.
This methodology anticipates several possible baseline scenarios and uses the latest version of the VCS
―Tool for the Demonstration and Assessment of Additionality in VCS Agriculture, Forestry and Other
Land Use (AFOLU) Project Activities
Available at http://www.v-c-s.org/docs/VCS-Tool-VT0001_Tool-for-Demonstration-and-Assessment-of-

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