中国的早期能源效率投资是实现碳中和与经济发展的关键_Nicholas HowarthVIP专享VIP免费

4, February 2022 15
By Nicholas Howarth and Clara CamarasaEnergy Ecicency Policy Analysts, Energy Eciency Division, International Energy Agency
Early investment in energy efciency in
China is key for carbon neutrality and
economic development
China doubled its rate of energy
intensity improvement over the last
decade, helping lift global progress
Over the last decade, the average rate
of energy intensity improvement in China
doubled to around 3.5% each year from the
1.7% seen between 2000 and 2010. This result
was delivered despite the significant slowdown
of energy intensity improvements which has
been observed globally and in China since
2015. The notable improvement in energy
intensity during the first half of the last decade
reflects the priority placed on meeting energy
intensity targets in China’s Five Year Plans
(FYP) and the significant boost to efficiency
spending following the 2008 financial crisis
and the implementation of several mandatory
energy efficiency policies.
Well targeted government support has also
helped build the world’s largest energy service
market with Chinese Energy Service Company
(ESCO) investment making up around 60%
of the global market. Total annual investment
in energy efficiency in China is now estimated
to be around USD 70 billion, up by 15%
compared with pre-crisis levels and accounting
for nearly one-quarter of the global spending.
Improving energy intensity will play a
key role in helping achieve China’s targets
to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030
and reach carbon neutrality before 2060.
At a global level, a doubling of energy
intensity improvement will be needed
over the next decade to reach net
zero emissions by mid- century
In its recently released Energy Efficiency
Market Report, the International Energy
Agency (IEA) found that the global rate of
energy intensity improvement in 2021 is
expected to recover to 1.9% after its worst
year in a decade. In 2020, the impact of the
Primary energy intensity improvement, 2000-2030
IEA, All rights reserved.Note: 2021 estimate based on World Energy Outlook 2021
Key global energy and economic indicators in the IEA Net Zero by 2050 Scenario
IEA. All rights reserved
4, February 2022 15
Covid-19 crisis saw a shift in the balance of
economic avtivity away from less energy
intensive services such as hospitality and
energy efficiency enhancements slowed, with
energy intensity improvements falling to 0.5%
at the global level. While the recent economic
recovery brings the rate of improvement back
to its ten year average, it is still only half of
what is needed to put the world on track to
reach net zero emissions by mid-century.
The report also examined over 40 energy
efficiency actions based on the IEA’s Net
Zero by 2050 Roadmap, to help countries
achieve efficiency goals to limit the global
temperature rise to 1.5 °C. This roadmap
recognises that different countries will be
moving at different speeds and will also
choose different options based on national
resources and circumstances. For energy
effcieincy such actions include scaling up
use of mature technologies in buildings,
appliances, transport and industry.
Many of these actions are already
being pursued as part of China’s industrial
enterprises programmes. For example,
encouraging best available technology
for electric motors is key as they account
for approximately 65% of total electricity
consumption in China.
Expanding the scope of efficiency
programmes to include more manufacturing
sectors – such as vehicles, machinery, food,
timber and textiles – also offers large scope
for efficiency gains. This is because more
than 90% of heat demand in light industry
is low and medium temperature, which can
be more easily switched from fossil fuels
to more efficient electric processes, such
as heat pumps. This compares with heavy
industry such as steel and cement where
electrification potential is more limited.
In China, the 14th FYP (2021-2025)
includes a target to reduce carbon intensity
by 18% by 2025 and a target for reducing
energy intensity by 13.5%. This compares
with a 15% energy intensity reduction target
over the 2016-2020 period. As in many
countries, slowing economic growth due
to the pandemic and a shift towards more
energy intensive sectors of the economy
as restrictions reduce activity in sectors
such as hospitality and tourism has slowed
energy intensity improvements in China.
The challenge for policy makers is to
develop and implement policies that can
both support economic growth and enhance
environmental protection. Energy efficiency-
related spending offers this solution, making
up around two-thirds of all clean energy and
sustainable recovery spending, according
to the IEA Sustainable Recovery Tracker.
While China’s past results have been
impressive, the recent slowdown in intensity
improvements, combined with goals to
achieve carbon neutrality, makes lifting
efficiency efforts more important than ever.
Doubling the efficiency of new
appliances by 2030 is possible
and the focus of the world’s
largest ever international energy
efficiency initiative
Efficiency standards and labels have
been shown to reduce electricity demand
by the equivalent of the total electricity
generation of wind and solar energy in the
nine countries and regions for which the
data are available. Such standards have been
in place longer in the European Union and
United States, but China is catching up.
The implementation of standards in China
is already helping avoid around 5% of
total national electricity consumption each
year, reducing annual CO2 emissions by
80 million tonnes. These savings will grow,
as old stock is replaced by more efficient
equipment though standards need to be
continually ratcheted up to optimise savings.
Along with 21 other governments,
China is a member of the Super-efficient
Appliance Deployment (SEAD) Initiative
– a collaboration with the IEA and other
partners to accelerate and strengthen the
design and implementation of appliance
energy efficiency policies.
Such international collaboration enables
governments to design standards based on
global best practice. For example, in November
2021, the IEA and the COP26 Presidency
launched the COP26 Product Efficiency Call to
Action to double the efficiency of key appliances
by 2030 – particularly for lighting, industrial
electric motor systems, air conditioning and
refrigeration. The initiative aims to help countries
raise ambition faster and at a lower cost.
Electric mobility start-ups raise
more money than other sectors,
with strongest activity in China
and the United States
Venture capital (VC) activity can help
track progress of clean energy innovation.
While governments typically account for most
early-stage research and development (R&D)
budgets, energy companies focus on later
stages including for demonstration and product
development. Among them, start-ups can be
more agile than larger companies in developing
new innovative ideas and concepts based on
consumer demand. This is particularly true for
mass-produced products such as appliances,
lighting or heating and cooling technologies,
which have smaller unit sizes and may thus
be less capital intensive to develop and have
shorter time-to-market than other larger or
more complex energy technologies.
Impact of energy efficiency standards and labelling programmes in selected
countries and regions, 2018
IEA and 4E TCP. All rights reserved.
4, February 2022 17
VC investments in energy efficiency and
electric mobility start-ups are concentrated in
a few places in the world. Over the 2018-2020
period, companies headquartered in the United
States attracted about 40% of such financing,
followed by China (30%) and the European
Union (10%) (excluding large deals of USD
500 million or above in a single round that can
mask underlying trends). Strong investment
activity has been observed around transport
electrification in China, which has benefited
from targeted support since around 2015, and
in the United States, where a series of deals
above USD 1 billion was recorded. In contrast,
buildings, power and industry have attracted
much less energy efficiency VC globally,
and there are many remaining technology
innovation gaps and opportunities in these
sectors to achieve net-zero ambitions.
Energy efficiency can help improve
the quality of economic growth
and ease supply chain pressures
Enhancing energy intensity improvements
over the next ten years will also be a key measure
to improve the quality of economic progress in
China consistent with government aspirations. An
important part of this is the government’s desire
to firmly curb the development of high energy
consumption projects and develop higher value
industries, such as next generation materials and
clean energy vehicles, while transitioning away
from a reliance on coal power, steel, aluminium
and petrochemicals.
Such policies also have strong short-term
relevance, given the recent increase in demand
for materials in China and supply chain
pressures that put upwards pressure on global
commodity prices in 2021 and contributed to
the Chinese government imposing restrictions
on energy intensive industries.
For example, while China accounts for
around 60% of global steel production, the
government in 2021 moved to limit production
to the levels of approximately 1 billion tonnes
that were produced in 2020. Restrictions were
introduced, as the country had already gone
12% above what was needed to hit this target
by June 2021. Increasing efficiency would help
deliver desired pollution and CO2 redution
goals while reducing the need to restrict output.
Energy efficiency offers a unique
opportunity to support China’s efforts to
achieve carbon neutrality and economic
development across sectors. Ensuring
sufficient and timely investments in energy
efficiency in buildings, industry and transport
will be vital to seize this opportunity.
The IEA continues to support China’s
clean energy transition so that resources are
used in the most efficient and sustainable way
possible. Programmes and initiatives such as
the E4 Programme can help China build on its
achievement of doubling its energy intensity
improvement over the last decade. This shows
the kind of progress that can be achieved through
successful implementation of appropriate
policies; whilst simultaneously taking advantage
of the multiple benefits associated with
energy efficiency such as increased industrial
productivity, local job creation, and health
benefits from reduced local air pollution.
Cumulative VC investments in clean energy start-ups active in fields of
energy efficiency and electric mobility between 2018 and 2020,
by technology area and region
IEA analysis based on Cleantech Group, i3 database. All rights reserved.
Notes: RoW = Rest of the World. Left hand chart is for transport venture capital investment, while right hand
chart is for all other investment. Includes grants, seed, series A and B, growth equity, late-stage private equity
and buyout, private investment in public equity, and coin/token offering financing rounds. The figure excludes
very large investments of USD 500 million and above in a single deal that distort annual trends. These
aggregated to about USD 5.8 billion in China, USD 2.2 billion in the European Union, USD 20.4 billion in the
United States, and USD 2.2 billion in the rest of the world. These were primarily focusing on electric mobility.
Global price indices for key commodities linked to construction and efficient
equipment, January 2019- August 2021
IEA. All rights reserved.

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