第24 卷 第 2期
2011 年2月
Research of Environmental Sciences
Vol. 24,No. 2
Feb. ,2011
收稿日期: 2010 - 09 - 30 修订日期: 2010 - 10 - 19
基金项目: 国 家 重 点 基 础 研 究 发 展 计 划 ( 973 ) 项 目
作者简介: 吴丰昌 ( 1965 - ) ,男,浙 江 衢 州 人,研 究 员,博 士,博
wufengchang@ vip. skleg. cn.
*责任作者,孟伟(1956 - ),男,山东青岛人,中国工程院院士,博
士,博导,主要从事流域水环境管理研究,mengwei@ craes. org. cn
吴丰昌1,孟 伟1* ,曹宇静1,3,李会仙1,张瑞卿1,2,冯承莲1,闫振广1
1. 中国环境科学研究院,国家环境保护湖泊污染控制重点实验室,北京 100012
2. 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所,广东 广州 510640
3. 中国铁道科学研究院,节能环保劳卫研究所,北京 100081
摘要: 镉是一种有毒重金属,具有高毒性、难降解和易残留等特点,会对水生生物及水生态系统产生有害影响.为有效控
程.结果表明:评价因子法得出的基准值为单值,其值为0. 15 μg /L;毒性百分数排序法得出的基准值包括基准最大浓度和
基准连续浓度,二者分别为 7. 30 和0. 12 μg /L;物种敏感度分布法得出的基准值分为短期危险浓度和长期危险浓度,二者
分别为 32. 50 和0. 46 μg / L. 比较了 3种方法的优缺点,以及与国内外已有研究基准值之间的差异及形成原因,分析了影
关键词: 镉;水生生物基准;评价因子法;毒性百分数排序法;物种敏感度分布法
中图分类号: X - 651 文献标志码: A文章编号: 1001 - 6929(2011)02 - 0172 - 13
Derivation of Aquatic Life Water Quality Criteria for Cadmium in Freshwater
in China
WU Feng-chang1,MENG Wei1,CAO Yu-jing1,3,LI Hui-xian1,ZHANG Rui-qing1,2,FENG Cheng-lian1,
YAN Zhen-guang1
1. State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental
Sciences,Beijing 100012,China
2. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou 510640,China
3. China Academy of Railway Sciences,Energy Saving & Environmental Protection & Occupational Safety and Health Research
Institute,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract:Cadmium is a poisonous heavy metal which is toxic,hard to degrade and easy to reside. It can cause adverse effects on
aquatic organisms and ecosystems. In order to control effectively the adverse effects which Cd might bring to aquatic life in Chinese
freshwaters,it is urgent for China to derive regional aquatic life criteria for Cd,which could provide a basis for the establishment
and revision of water quality standards. In this study,all available toxicity data of Cd to Chinese representative species in
freshwater were collected in order to protect the freshwater ecosystem and biota system. Three widely used criteria derivation
methods concerning the assessment factor method,toxicity percentile rank method and species sensitivity distribution method were
used to derive aquatic life criteria for Cd. Meanwhile,the
criteria values for freshwater in China and the derivation
process were studied and compared among the three methods.
The results showed that for the assessment factor method,the
criteria of freshwater Cd was expressed by one value,which
was 0. 15 μg /L;for toxicity percentile rank method,the
criteria included criteria maximum concentration and criteria
continuous concentration,which were 7. 30 μg /L and 0. 12
μg /L,respectively;for species sensitivity distribution