“互联网 +”智慧环保技术发展研究
“互联网 +”智慧环保技术发展研究
Development of Internet Plus Smart
Environmental Protection
(1. 中科宇图资源环境科学研究院,北京 100101;2. 中科宇图科技股份有限公司,北京 100101;
3. 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院,合肥 230031)
Liu Rui 1, 2, Liu Wenqing 3, Xie Tao 1, 2, Yang Jingwen 3, Xi Chunxiu 2, Yao Yifei 1, Wei Wei 1
(1. Institute of Resources and Environment Science, China Sciences Mapuniverse Technology Co., Ltd.,
Beijing 100101, China; 2. China Sciences Mapuniverse Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100101, China;
3. Hefei Institute of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China)
摘要:“互联网 +”智慧环保将互联网创新成果与生态环境保护进行深度融合,在推动生态环境领域技术进步的同时,对全
面提高生态环境保护综合决策、监管和公共服务水平,加快环境管理方式和工作方式转变具有重要意义。本文从“互联网 +”
出了“互联网 +”智慧环保总体架构,具体阐述了精准治气、系统治水、生态监管、资源交易 4个典型方向应用。研究建议,
关键词:互联网 +;智慧环保;应用方向;环境信息服务业
中图分类号:F202 文献标识码:A
Abstract: Internet Plus Smart Environmental Protection integrates Internet innovations with ecological environment protection
and can promote technological progress in the ecological environment protection field. It also promotes the decision-making,
supervision, and public service levels of ecological environmental protection, and accelerates the transformation of the environmental
management mode.This study analyzes the demands for Internet Plus Smart Environmental Protection, summarizes the technical
status in terms of ecological environment information collection, transmission, management, and decision-making, and identies the
problems concerning the development of Internet Plus Smart Environmental Protection. An overall framework of Internet Plus Smart
Environmental Protection is also proposed, and four typical application elds are studied: precise air pollution control, sysmatic water
pollution treatment, ecological surveillance, and resource trading. To promote Internet Plus Smart Environmental Protection, it is
necessary to develop multisource ecological monitoring, deep data analysis, and multi-business co-modeling, promote policies that
encourage data sharing concerning environmental protection, and foster new businesses represented by environmental information
Keywords: Internet Plus; smart environmental protection; direction of application; environmental information service
智慧环保技术等;E-mail: liur@mapuni.com
中国工程院咨询项目“‘互联网 +’行动计划战略研究 (2035)”(2018-ZD-02)
DOI 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2020.04.009