Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 4621–4624
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Photoelectrocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants at Bi2O3/TiO2
nanotube array electrode
Xu Zhao, Huijuan Liu, Jiuhui Qu∗
State Key Laboratory of Environmental Aquatic Chemistry, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100085, PR China
article info
Article history:
Received 11 April 2010
Received in revised form
16 December 2010
Accepted 20 December 2010
Available online 24 December 2010
TiO2nanotube array
Visible light
In the current work, TiO2nanotube array was prepared via electrochemical anode method. Then the Bi2O3
nanoparticles were deposited onto the TiO2nanotube array via dip-coating method from an amorphous
complex precursor. The crystal structures were characterized via X-ray diffraction analysis. Their sur-
face textures were observed via electron-scanning microscope. The prepared composite array electrode
exhibited high photoelectrocatalytic activities towards degrading organic contaminants under visible
light irradiation. High photoelectrocatalytic activities were also exhibited under UV light irradiation. The
catalytic mechanism was discussed based on the analysis of electrochemical and degradation kinetics
results. It is suggestedaP(Bi
2O3)–N (TiO2) junction was formed to increase the catalytic activates. The
stability of the electrode materials was confirmed finally.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In recent years, highly ordered TiO2nanotube arrays prepared
by electrochemical anodization have attracted much attention due
to their unique architecture. A TiO2nanotube array can form a uni-
form TiO2film on a titanium substrate, which provides an ordered
structure and porous surface, without a decrease in geometric
thickness [1]. Such an infrastructure is especially favorable for mass
diffusion. Therefore, TiO2nanotube arrays show great potential for
practical environmental purification [2,3].
As a wide band gap semiconductor, TiO2need to be excited by
an ultraviolet light which is less than 5% of the solar irradiance
at the Earth’s surface. To prepare TiO2photocatalysts with visi-
ble light responsibility, several strategies have been adopted. One
of the approaches is coupling TiO2with other semiconductor with
appropriate band gaps. A large number of coupled polycrystalline or
colloidal semiconductor, in which the particles adhere to each other
in so-called sandwich structures or present a core–shell geome-
try, have been prepared such as SiO2–TiO2, CdS–TiO2, ZnO–TiO2,
SnO2–TiO2, NiO–Bi2O3, etc. Recently, several coupled systems such
as Bi2O3/SiTiO3[4–7] were reported to be efficient under visible
light irradiation. However, the photocatalytic mechanism for the
coupled system has not been systematically investigated, and no
clear evidence was provided for the complete decomposition of
organic pollutants under visible light.
∗Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62849151; fax: +86 10 62923558.
E-mail address: jhqu@mail.rcees.ac.cn (J. Qu).
Bismuth oxide, Bi2O3, due to its high refractive index, dielectric
permittivity, marked photoconductivity and photoluminescence, is
used in a variety of areas, such as sensor technology, optical coat-
ings, and electrochromic materials. As a photocatalyst, Bi2O3is a
p-type semiconductor with conduction and valence band edges of
+0.33 and +3.13 V (vs. NHE), respectively [8]. Under visible light
irradiation, the photogenered electron and hole is able to oxidize
water. And, highly reactive species, such as O2•− and •OH radicals
may be generated, which may act as initiators of oxidation reactions
In the present paper, we report a novel loading of Bi2O3
nanoparticles onto a TiO2electrode with a highly ordered verti-
cally oriented nanotube array prepared by anode oxidation. The
obtained results indicated that organic contaminants can be effi-
ciently degraded by the Bi2O3/TiO2nanotube array electrode under
UV and visible light irradiation. And, the composite electrode exhib-
ited higher catalytic activities towards the degradation of organic
contaminants than the individual Bi2O3or TiO2electrode did.
The enhanced mechanism was discussed. 2,4-Dichlorophenol, a
kind of typical refractory contaminants was used in the present
2. Experimental
2.1. Preparation and characterization of Bi2O3/TiO2nanotube
All chemicals were analytical grade reagents and used without
further treatment. Electrolyte was freshly prepared from deionized
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