
Renewable Energy Pathways to
Carbon Neutrality in China
May 2023
Zhenhua Zhang Ziheng Zhu Jessica A Gordon Xi Lu Da Zhang and Michael R Davidson
1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, San Diego
2 Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy, Tsinghua University
3 California-China Climate Institute, University of California, Berkeley
4 School of Environment and State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control,
Tsinghua University
5 School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California, San Diego
About the California-China Climate Institute:
The CaliforniaChina Climate Institute was launched in September  and is a University of Californiawide initiative
housed jointly at UC Berkeley’s School of Law through its Center for Law Energy and the Environment and the
Rausser College of Natural Resources It is chaired by Jerry Brown former Governor of the State of California and
vicechaired by the former Chair of the California Air Resources Board Mary Nichols The Institute also works closely
with other University of California campuses departments and leaders Through joint research training and dialogue
in and between California and China the Institute informs policymakers fosters cooperation and partnership and
drives climate solutions at all levels
About the Power Transformation Lab:
The Power Transformation Lab at the University of California San Diego studies the engineering and institutional
requirements to deploy lowcarbon energy at scale We work with academic government civil society and industry
partners to advance research and solutions to the climate challenge centering on the role of the power grid Our
areas of focus include renewable energy resource planning affordable and reliable lowcarbon power markets and
the political economy of industrial policy and lowcarbon transitions in firms
About the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy,
Tsinghua University (3E):
The Institute of Energy Environment and Economy Tsinghua University E established in  is an interdisciplinary
research and education institute at Tsinghua University The institute’s mission is to create develop and disseminate
the knowledge ideas and methodologies crucial for building sustainable energy systems and mitigating climate change
for China and the world As an important think tank for China’s energy and climate change research the institute has
been continuously providing policy advisory services to the National Development and Reform Commission NDRC
the Ministry of Ecology and Environment MEE and the National Energy Administration NEA The institute has
longtime collaborations with prestigious universities and international organizations
The authors would like to thank Chi Gao Regulatory Assistance Project for providing research assistance and the
following reviewers for helpful comments Fredrich Kahrl CaliforniaChina Climate Institute Research Affiliate
Bob Weisenmiller CaliforniaChina Climate Institute Research Affiliate Jiang Lin Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory Nat Simons Presidential Chair in China Energy Policy and UC Berkeley Adjunct Professor Hongyu
Zhang Tsinghua University Postdoctoral Researcher Rixin Zhu CaliforniaChina Climate Institute Methane
Fellow and Fan Dai CaliforniaChina Climate Institute Director
Summary for Policymakers ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Renewable Energy Trends and Policy ................................................................................................................ 7
3. Methods ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Key Findings .....................................................................................................................................................................12
4.1. Increasing renewable energy deployment rates ...................................................................12
4.2. Regional distributions over time ..................................................................................................... 14
4.3. Expanded inter-regional transmission connections ...........................................................17
4.4. More binding land use constraints ................................................................................................19
4.5. Misalignment between coal retirement and renewable deployment .......................21
5. Policy Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................22
5.1. Accelerated buildout and integrated planning processes ...............................................23
5.2. Deployment limits and supply chain constraints ..................................................................24
5.3. Land use impacts of renewable deployment ...........................................................................24
5.4. Political economy of transmission expansion and coal retirement ........................... 25
5.5. Electricity market reforms .................................................................................................................26
6. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................27
7. References ........................................................................................................................................................................29
8. Appendix ............................................................................................................................................................................32

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