
Houthi attacks in the Red Sea hurt global trade
and slow the energy transition
Recent attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea have underscored the
importance of seaborne international trade, and challenged the role of the
United States in safeguarding commerce in the global commons. Maritime
choke point disruptions have worldwide consequences because the price of
oil is set globally. Simply increasing oil supply will not solve the problem of a
major disruption, such as in the Strait of Hormuz, which has been
overtly threatened by Iran. This is why the United States has a deep interest
in freedom of navigation. Maritime trade of energy is of fundamental
importance to the security of supply for energy and to the price felt by
consumers worldwide. In addition, the effects of a major disruption to freedom
of navigation would hold many damaging but indirect consequences
including slowing progress on addressing climate change.
The danger created by Houthi attacks
The Houthi movement, or Ansar Allah, is a Shia Islamist group that seeks to
maintain control of critical territory in Yemen. It operates as a proxy group for
Iranian influence, especially the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The
Houthi movement has ramped up attacks on merchant vessels transiting the
Red Sea since November 19, 2023, according to US Central Command.
The United States’ response to the attacks, Operation Prosperity Guardian,
concentrates naval assets and command-and-control bandwidth on the Bab
el-Mandeb Strait, wedged between the Horn of Africa and the southwestern
corner of the Arabian Peninsula. It is a key choke point for commercial traffic
transiting between the Arabian Sea and Red Sea toward the Suez Canal
another choke point through which more oil is flowing than ever before.
Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent trade diversion, the
Suez Canal is increasingly used for Middle East-to-Europe flows of energy, as
well as Russia-to-India shipments. About 8.8 million barrels per day of oil and
oil products utilized the Suez transit in the first half of 2023, or about 12
percent of maritime oil trade.
Operation Prosperity Guardian has engaged Houthi drones, surface-to-ship
ballistic missiles, small combatant vessels, and other arms in defense of
merchant traffic and naval assets. However, the operation has thus far failed
to deter further Houthi attacks and provide assurance of safe passage to
commercial vessels transiting the Red Sea.
In order to restore deterrence, the United States and the United Kingdom are
conducting airstrikes against Houthi military infrastructure. These actions are
not only necessary to restore the safety of trade through the Suez Canal, but
to assure the principle that maritime trade cannot be disrupted by force.
The waves rule energy trade
Freedom of navigation matters deeply for preserving the security and
efficiency of global energy markets. Forty percent of maritime trade by weight
consists of oil, coal, gas, or petrochemical products, per the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development.
Thus far, the Houthis have largely not targeted vessels engaged in energy
trade, perhaps stemming from a desire to avoid an environmentally
catastrophic oil spill along Yemeni shores, which was only narrowly avoided in
August as the oil tanker FSO Safer, abandoned off of Yemeni shores, was
successfully drained of its contents.
The Houthis are also likely to avoid drawing Arabian Gulf states deeper into
the conflict. Most Gulf economies are deeply dependent on maritime energy
tradehydrocarbon exports are responsible for 40 percent
of Saudi and Qatari gross domestic product (GDP), and 50 percent of
Kuwait’s GDP.
Additionally, the Houthis’ Iranian patrons wish to avoid antagonizing major oil
importers China and India, or partners such as Russia. Last week, a Houthi
spokesman told a Russian news channel that Chinese and Russian cargoes
would not be targeted.
The prospect for escalation, and the potency of the threat which the Houthis
have displayed, is substantial. Major oil traders such as BP, Shell,
and Trafigura have now suspended shipments through the Red Sea
Although the United States conducts limited oil and liquefied natural gas trade
through the Suez Canal, the risk of a supply disruption in this critical choke
point matters to US economic security, as oil prices are set globally.
Moreover, the United States must ensure that its European allies retain
access to energy supplies amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Regardless, it is
the threat of escalation, in the Red Sea or other choke points such as the
Strait of Hormuz, and the broken principle of freedom of navigation that most
acutely threatens US interests.
US energy trade rules the waves?
For the United States, free maritime commerce has long been central to its
economic prosperity, from the nation’s founding as a merchant power to the
modern era, when maritime vessels account for 40 percent of US international
trade by value and 70 percent by weight.
The United States’ rising oil exports underscore how its economic
competitiveness is intertwined with the global maritime commons. The United

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