This report is a product of [Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association] and is funded by Energy
Foundation China.
This report is [part of the research project under Energy Foundation China’s Environmental
Management Group, which is Strategic Positioning and Application Scenarios for Promoting Pollution
Reduction and Carbon Emission Reduction through Clean Utilization of Biomass Energy]
The team is grateful for the generous support it received throughout this research from [Energy
Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission; Rural Energy and Environment
Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Tsinghua University; China Agricultural University;
CECEP Consulting Co., Ltd.; Distributed Energy Professional Committee of China Energy Research
Society; World Bank].
The team would like to thank the following experts for their contribution to this research:
[Zhou Dadi, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission]
[Ren Dongming, Centre for Renewable Energy Development, Energy Research Institute, National
Development and Reform Commission]
[Li Huibin, Rural Energy and Environment Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Aairs]
[Yang Xudong, Tsinghua University]
[Cheng Xu, China Agricultural University]
[Yuan Baorong, CECEP Consulting Co., Ltd.]
[Duan Jieyi, Distributed Energy Professional Committee of China Energy Research Society]
[Li Jie, World Bank]
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