
Building Trust through an
Equitable and Inclusive
Energy Transition
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Preface 3
Executive summary 4
Introduction 5
1 Understanding a just, equitable and inclusive energy transition 7
2 Recognizing symptoms of an unjust, inequitable and non-inclusive transition 10
3 Diagnosing the underlying challenges 12
3.1 Stakeholder interactions and divergences 12
3.2 Ten unresolved questions that need to be addressed 15
4 Mobilizing for change 17
Conclusion 21
Contributors 22
Endnotes 24
Building Trust through an Equitable and Inclusive Energy Transition 2
Equity, justice and inclusivity are key pillars of the
global landscape that represent a primary concern
for stakeholders worldwide, including governments,
businesses, communities and citizens. These
dimensions transcend geographical boundaries, play
pivotal roles within the broader economic and social
systemic context where the energy system operates
and have far-reaching consequences across diverse
systems. Energy powers societies and economies,
and the smooth operation of the energy system is vital
for individuals, companies and nations, all of whom
depend on uninterrupted, affordable access to energy.
As the world grapples with interconnected
crises, turbulence in energy markets and shifting
geopolitical priorities, the intricate interplay between
energy prices, macroeconomic and social stability,
and the role of individuals in the energy transition
becomes increasingly evident. Equity, justice
and inclusivity emerge as critical components to
accelerate an effective energy transition, whether at
the individual, local, national or global levels.
The World Economic Forum uses the energy
triangle framework, highlighting three core
dimensions of a balanced energy system:
sustainability, security and equity. While energy
security and environmental issues are important, this
report focuses on the crucial yet often overlooked
aspects of energy equity, justice and inclusivity.
Despite increasing awareness, these dimensions
face mounting pressure, especially in a turbulent
period where energy security and sustainability are
prioritized and better understood. Nonetheless,
overlooking equity, justice and inclusivity poses
a significant risk to the energy transition, which
the world cannot afford, given energy’s key role in
enabling global economic and social development.
This report aims to underscore the importance of
a just, equitable and inclusive energy transition
while highlighting the potential adverse impacts of
disregarding these aspects. It emphasizes the need
to tackle affordability and access issues, identifies
emerging signs of inequality, and explores the
underlying challenges in realizing such a transition.
The report also explores stakeholder interactions,
divergences and critical questions demanding
decision-makers’ attention. Furthermore, it proposes
actionable measures to advance an orderly, people-
centred and socially responsible energy transition
that bridges divides and builds trust.
Addressing these issues demands unprecedented
collaboration, both between and within countries.
While governments hold the primary responsibility
for steering their countries towards a just, equitable
and inclusive energy transition, businesses also
play a crucial role and can benefit from taking
action. Solving these issues in isolation by any
single company, industry sector, or stakeholder
group is insufficient. The call to action necessitates
urgent and effective integration of the “justice,
equity and inclusivity” dimension to accelerate
One key reason the energy transition has not
advanced at the necessary pace and scale is the
oversimplification of the narrative, primarily focusing
on the supply side to transition from fossil fuels
to renewables. In reality, the transition is far more
complex, and ignoring its multifaceted nature
jeopardizes overall progress. This report offers an
approach to facilitate common ground and mobilize
coordinated stakeholder action at speed and scale,
charting a more direct path towards a balanced
energy future for all.
Building Trust through an Equitable
andInclusive Energy Transition
January 2024
Building Trust through an Equitable and Inclusive Energy Transition 3

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