
NO. 286
ISBN 978-92-9270-587-9 (print)
ISBN 978-92-9270-588-6 (electronic)
ISSN 2071-7202 (print)
ISSN 2218-2675 (electronic)
Publication Stock No. BRF240005-2
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22617/BRF240005-2
Measuring the Economic Impacts
of a Wind Power Project in VietNam
Nguyen Anh Tuan
Independent Economic Consultant
Viet Nam
Manfred Kiefer
Principal Economist
Private Sector Transaction
Support Division
Private Sector Operations Department
Asian Development Bank
Christian Abeleda
Associate Economics Officer
Private Sector Transaction
Support Division
Private Sector Operations Department
Asian Development Bank
The findings of this study
underscore the economic
value addition of the
Lotus Wind Power Project
in VietNam. During
its construction phase,
theproject created a total
of 1,574 employments
(measured as full-time
equivalents or FTEs) and
infused local economies with
job earnings amounting to
$29.13 million. Moreover,
itcontributed $89.6 million
to the country’s gross
In its operational and
maintenance phase, the
positive economic impacts
of the project are estimated
as 227 FTE permanent jobs,
$4.4 million in earnings
per year, and $9.5 million
of annual economic value
addition over the next
20 years. More than just
statistical numbers, these
benefits resonate with the
communities affected,
offering the promise of
enhanced livelihoods and
economic prosperity.
Similar investments in the
sector may be considered
in the future. A conducive
investment environment
must be created, and
communities need to be able
to benefit from investments
and have a voice in the
decision-making process.
The Lotus Wind Power Project is the first financing of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) for a wind power initiative in Viet Nam. In 2021, ADB arranged and syndicated
a $173 million financing package for the project, which has a total capacity of
144megawatts (MW). The project includes three wind power farm projects—Lien
Lap, Phong Huy, and Phong Nguyen (with 48 MW each)—constructed and operated
by the PC1 Group Joint Stock Company (PC1 Group) and RENOVA Global Business
Development Company.
The Lotus project marks a significant advancement for the quickly developing wind
power industry in Viet Nam and was the first wind power project that not only ADB but
all the other participating lenders have financed in the country. The financing is certified
as a Green Loan by the Climate Bonds Initiative. Construction took 18 months from
May 2019 to October 2021. The wind farms were connected in September 2021 and
started operating and delivering power to the national grid in October 2021.
The authors extend their gratitude to the following offices and individuals for their valuable
inputs and unwavering support: ADB Economic Research and Development Impact Department;
Shantanu Chakraborty, Maria Patgeuana, and Nguyen Ba Hung of the ADB Viet Nam Resident
Mission; Lien Nguyen, Michael Gabish, and Ninh Le Do of the ADB Private Sector Operations
Department; and the PC1 Group Joint Stock Company. Special thanks are also extended to
ArvinYana, communications consultant, for research assistance and coordination of publication,
and the ADB Department of Communications and Knowledge and Management for ensuring the
overall quality of this knowledge product.
In this publication, “$” refers to United States dollars.
ADB recognizes “Vietnam” as Viet Nam, and “Hanoi” as Ha Noi.
In 2023, after almost 2 years of operation, the Private Sector
Operations Department of ADB implemented an economic
assessment of the direct, indirect, and induced impacts arising from
the construction and operation of the project, mainly in terms of
job creation and economic value addition, using a tool based on an
input–output (I-O) model. Research on socioeconomic impacts
of renewable energy projects, especially on job creation, remains
sparse but is important (COBENEFITS 2019). Assessing the
impacts of renewable energy projects has gained momentum, given
the increasing role renewable energy has to play in the transition
to zero emission. Sound information on expected outcomes, such
as employment and income generation at both national and local
levels, is essential for informed policy decisions and planning.
The study aimed to measure the impacts of this wind power
project. This brief summarizes and communicates the study
findings, particularly the benefits of the investment, to policy
makers and the wider public.
Renewable energy development in Viet Nam has gained significant
momentum in recent years. The country, which was traditionally
dependent on fossil fuels to meet energy needs, has been actively
transitioning toward cleaner and more sustainable sources
of power. Based on 2022 data (Viet Nam Electricity 2022),
renewable sources accounted for 48% of total power generation
(130,000 gigawatt-hour [GWh]) in Viet Nam, comprising mostly
hydropower plants (35%) while wind, solar, and biomass accounted
for 13%.
Viet Nam, particularly the northern region, traditionally boasts
of a geography ideally suited for the development of hydropower
plants. With its rugged terrain and numerous rivers, the region
holds substantial hydropower potential that has been used from
the early days of Viet Nam’s industrialization. However, as the
suitable locations for large hydropower projects have all been used,
the dynamic growth of hydropower in the north has slowed. In a
bid to meet the surging demand for electricity, the country initially
turned to more accessible and cost-effective sources, including the
establishment of several coal power plants in the northern region,
and combined-cycle gas turbines in the southernregion.
As the nation’s energy landscape evolves and climate consideration
gains importance, there is a notable shift toward cleaner and more
sustainable options, leading to the significant development of solar
and wind energy projects in the center and southern regions.
Solar and wind energy have slowly become the driving forces
behind the further increase of the share of renewable energy.
During the 2010–2022 period, the share of renewable energy
increased from 27% to 48% (Figure 1).
1 See Decision No. 39/2018/QD-TTg, 10 September 2018, amending several articles of Decision No. 37/2011/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister dated 29 June
2011 on provision of assistance in development of wind power projects in Viet Nam in NHQuang & Associates. 2023. Policy Brief for Preparation of Just Energy
Transition Partnership Implementation in Viet Nam: Legal Aspects.
Wind power development has been instrumental in Viet Nams
efforts to diversify its energy mix, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, and improve energy security. The growth in the
sector is supported by the government’s strong support and
implementation of generous feed-in-tariff (FIT). The introduction
of a FIT of $0.085 per kilowatt-hour for onshore wind projects
in 2018 encouraged the development of wind power project in
the country.1 This led to an increase in investments and added
capacity. However, due to the expiration of the FIT in 2021 and
the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, installation of
new wind power has slowed down. Currently, the Government of
VietNam is considering various alternative support options for
wind development including auctioning and special arrangements
for offshore wind, amongothers.
The project is in Huong Hoa District, Quang Tri Province,
VietNam (see Map). Huong Hoa is a mountainous rural district
in the west of Quang Tri Province with a population of ethnic
Vietnamese as well as Bru people and Ta Oi people. Due to its
elevation; strong wind resources; and its unique geography of
steep slopes, sharp crests, and narrow valleys covered by dense
broadleaf evergreen forests, the area is conducive to wind farms.
Quang Tri is home to many wind farms in the region, totaling
17 as of 2021. Huong Hoa District has potential for agricultural
production and tourism aswell.
Figure 1: Viet Nam—Power Generation Structure
and Growth Rate, 2010–2022
Growth (%)
Electricity generation (GWh)
Import Fossil Fuels Renewable Energy
Growth Rate Renewable Energy Share
GWh = gigawatt-hour.
Source: Viet Nam Electricity. 2022. Annual Report. Hanoi.
Measuring the Economic Impacts of a Wind Power Project in VietNam
Map: Lotus Wind Project—Location of the Wind Farms
Source: Asian Development Bank.
The three 144-MW wind parks required a total investment of
$254.2 million, with 60% of the construction material and labor
being locally sourced. The turbines and major equipment were
mostly imported, but still 15% locally sourced (Table 1). Local labor
accounted for 77% of the total labor costs. The project started
delivering power to the national grid in October 2021. In 2022,
theproject delivered a total of 417.54 GWh of electricity all over
the country.
The project enjoyed certain privileges for generating energy from
renewable sources (LNT & Partners 2023). Under its 20-year
power purchase agreement with Viet Nam Electricity, the project
received a guaranteed FIT of $0.085 or 1,928 Vietnamese dong
(VND) per kilowatt-hour, excluding value-added tax (VAT).
Theimports of raw materials, supplies, and components that
cannot be domestically manufactured were eligible for import
duty exemption (equipment is normally subject to 5% import
tax and 10% VAT). However, certain renewable equipment such
as wind tower and turbines were exempted from import duties.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, which coincided with the project
construction phase, a reduced VAT of 8% was applied to all
Table 1: Lotus Wind Project—Actual Construction Costs
Construction Items
($ million)
1. Main Equipment Costs (Turbine) 118.4
Turbines and equipment 109.6 15
Transportation 8.8 100
2. Balance of Plant 112.7
Materials 56.1 99
Labor 19.7 77
Development and other costs 37.0 90
3. Import Tax (Material and
Equipment Purchases)
23.1 100
Total Project Cost 254.2 60
Source: Data from PC1 Group Joint Stock Company.

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