
Innovation in Focus: Climate Resilience
Water Financing Partnership Facility
Business-as-Unusual in the Water Sector
Promoting Food Security through Responsive Canal Irrigation Management
High-level remote sensing and mathematical programming technology to advise canal irrigation
controls in near real-time, developed for the fi rst time in Pakistan, enables equitable water access
to foster climate resilience and food security.
Spotlight: Pakistan
The Case for Innovation
Asia and the Pacifi c faces unprecedented
challenges in water, with growing climate
change impacts, increasing extreme water
events, rising water scarcity, and rapid urban
migration and growth—compounded by the
ongoing economic and social recovery from the
coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.
Despite gradual improvements in water security,
more than two billion people lack adequate
water and sanitation services in the region.
These unprecedented challenges require
unprecedented, innovative solutions.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is a leader
in promoting water security and resilience
in Asia and the Pacifi c through pioneering
approaches that support inclusive, sustainable,
and well-governed services delivery and
resource management; climate resilience;
and adaptive capacity. ADB supports water
entities by deepening gender mainstreaming,
boosting private sector participation, increasing
digitalization e orts, and building capacity to
tackle climate change.
The Water Financing Partnership Facility (WFPF)
is pivotal in enhancing ADB’s operations and
responding to the region’s challenges by delivering
“business-as-unusual.” Since 2006, WFPF has
been changing lives by catalyzing innovative,
resilient, inclusive, and sustainable water
investments in Asia and the Pacifi c.
This series showcases this innovation in action in
the water sector. Using case studies by topic from
ADB’s developing member countries, it highlights
the e cacy and benefi ts of these solutions and
explores their potential for replication and broad
development impact.
Climate Resilience and Water
Water is at the center of the climate crisis—
inextricably linked to all areas of sustainable
development, which are under threat from the
growing impacts of climate change and natural
hazards on local populations, the environment,
and economies.
Asia and the Pacifi c is the most disaster-a ected
region in the world and is home to more than
40% of the globes calamities and 84% of the
people they a ect. Climate-related disasters
and water stresses are also having severe impacts
on food production and supply chains across
Asia and the Pacifi c. More than 300 million
people in Asia alone remain food insecure.
Farming families in South Asia, Southeast Asia,
and sub-Saharan Africa are disproportionately
poor and vulnerable and, as such, most at risk
from crop failures and hunger resulting from
climate change. The 2022 devastating fl oods
in Pakistan—a ecting 33 million people and
resulting in severe agricultural damages and
losses—highlight the interrelated nature
and impacts of climate change, water, and
food security.
With irrigation systems expanding and water
scarcity rising, there is an increasing gap between
supply and demand. Water accounting—or data
on how much water is available, how much water
is being utilized, and resulting shortfalls—is critical
in addressing water insecurity in the region.
Building resilience by addressing and mitigating
risks from climate change, water-related disasters,
food insecurity, and related economic shocks is
central to ADB’s water program. ADB encourages
the adoption of innovative, e cient, and
sustainable water solutions—to improve water
and food security and create climate and disaster-
resilient water management systems.
WFPF has enabled an opportunity to remove binding
constraints, prepare alternative mechanisms in water
service delivery, improve local capacities decision
support system and take small but focused steps
toward transformational engagement, evaluate
alternative options for water service delivery.
– Asad Ali Zafar
Senior Project O cer (Water Resources),
Central and West Asia Department, ADB
Climate Resilience in Action
Pakistan demonstrates not only the dramatic
risks to agriculture through climate-related
water impacts—as witnessed during the 2022
oods and the country’s vulnerability to future
shocks—but also the signifi cant opportunities for
building water resilience by piloting and modeling
innovative water solutions. WFPF investments to
improve canal management in Pakistan through
remote sensing-based decision support tool
underline this potential.
The country’s Lower Bari Doab Canal irrigation
system is a critical resource to about 295,000
farming households in Punjab, whose livelihoods
depend primarily on the cultivation of rice,
wheat, maize, cotton, and sugarcane. Given the
variability of rainfall and groundwater, particularly
as climate change impacts on the region increase,
consistent cropping relies on an intricate network
of secondary canals and distributaries branching
from a primary canal that is opened and closed to
rotate limited canal water supplies—a lifeline of
support—to farms.
The canal systems have been explicitly developed
to supplement precipitation and distribute water
as equitably as possible. However, due to the
size of the irrigation system and the scarcity of
data on its precipitation and crop water needs,
there is incomplete information for irrigation
system managers to prepare reliable plans for
volumes and timing and to quickly adapt to needs
in di erent locations, resulting in inadequate or
inequitable water distribution for farmers and
end users.
To support the Punjab irrigation department’s
commitment to improve canal performance,
ADB—through WFPF support—uses satellite
imagery and soil moisture and fl ow sensors to
estimate variations in crop water requirements
and relative water defi cits across farming land
dependent on the canal’s far-reaching system.
The combination of satellite-based technology
and physical measurements enables the tracking
of how canal water, rainfall, and groundwater are
consumed through evapotranspiration—providing
a comprehensive overview of water gaps.
Canal yields. Access to the Lower Bari Doab Canal has increased crop
production and ensured more work for farmers and laborers in Punjab
(photo by Sara Farid).
The Lower Bari Doab Canal
irrigation system serves
295,000 farm households,
including 37,000 female-
headed households.

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