【推荐】聚焦COP28:能源需求机遇 —— 企业如何在能源转型中快速发展-英-17页VIP专享VIP免费

28 NOVEMBER 2023
The energy-demand
opportunity: How
companies can thrive
in the energy
by Jon Chadwick, Samantha Vincent, Reid Morrison, and Rob Turner
Organizations face an energy trilemma involving costs,
carbon emissions, and supply uncertainty. But energy
system advances can help them create value and become
more sustainable and resilientby taking charge of their
energy demand.
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Organizations worldwide spend more than US$10 trillion a year to meet their
energy needs, and many stand-alone companies struggle under a heavy cost
burden. In the UK, more than half of businesses surveyed in 2023 (54%) said
that energy accounted for upward of 25% of their business costs.1
Unchecked energy usage does more than cut into the bottom line. It is also
a major source of carbon emissions and a cause of operational uncertainty.
But new dynamics in the global energy arena present opportunities for
businesses to tackle all three parts of the so-called energy trilemmacosts,
carbon emissions, and uncertainty of supply—at once, by holistically evaluating
their own current and future energy needs and assuming greater control over
energy demand.
Of these new energy dynamics, perhaps the best known is the decarbonization
taking place as more large-scale renewable power capacity comes online.
But because renewable power can be unpredictable, as when clouds block the
sun or the wind stops blowing, energy supplies and prices may be more volatile
and harder for organizations to manage. These complexities are why other
energy dynamics matter. Decentralization, resulting from the deployment
of small-scale renewable energy generation and storage, lets organizations
Jon Chadwick
specializes in energy transition.
He is a partner with PwC Australia.
Samantha Vincent
is a leading practitioner in energy transition.
She is a director with PwC Australia.
Reid Morrison
is PwC’s Global Energy Advisory Leader.
He is a principal with PwC US.
Rob Turner
is the UK sector leader for energy and
resources. He is a partner with PwC UK.
1 Npower Business Solutions, Business energy tracker 2023, 2023,
Traditional energy system
Centralized fossil fuel power plants generate electricity, which flows in one direction
to customers; energy supply is typically reliable but emissions-intensive.
Fossil fuel
power plants
Generation Transmission and
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produce and bank electricity to avoid shortages and surging prices. And the
digitization of facilities and equipment helps organizations manage their energy
use with more precision, reducing costs and guarding against risks.
The combined impact of decarbonization, decentralization, and digitization
means organizations that once functioned mainly as energy consumers can
now play the dual role of producerconsumer. These energy “prosumers” might
still purchase electricity from the grid—only now, they can also produce their
own electricity, store it, and sell it. And they can use data and technology to
modulate their energy demand and time their energy purchases and sales to
match favorable market prices.

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