
Ecosystems of Hope
Maricé Leal and Mark D Spalding
Cartography by Kate Longley-Wood with: Toby An,
Dominic Andradi-Brown, Yasmin Arquiza, Emma Barnes,
Mark Beeston, Sophie Benbow, Anete Berzina-Rodrigo,
Nadia Bood, Chris Brown, Pete Bunting, Clint Cameron,
Steven Canty, Emma Cummings-Krueger, Farid Dahdouh-
Guebas, Arin de Hoog, Alison Debney, María Claudia
Díazgranados, Karen Douthwaite, Yasmine Gatt, Leah
Glass, María José González-Bernat, Emily Goodwin, Ajay
Govale, Kerry Grimm, James Hardcastle, Tom Hengl,
Lammert Hilarides, Swati Hingorani, Jennifer Howard,
Vannhi Huynh, Kathiresan Kandasamy, Kate Kincaid,
Emily Landis, Joe Shing Yip Lee, Kate Longley-Wood,
Valeria López Portillo, Catherine Lovelock, Richard Lucas,
Mazzella Maniwavie, Enrico Marone, Stephen Martinelli,
Tania Maxwell, Laura Michie, Nicholas Murray, Gilbert
Muvunankiko, Emily Owen, Leandro Parente, Maria
Potouroglou, Jurgenne Primavera, Maksudur Rahman,
J. Alexandra Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Sarai Rodríguez,
Victoria Romero, Ake Rosenqvist, Carole Saint-Laurent,
Alix Sauve, Lisa Schindler Murray, Christopher Sheridan,
Paula Cristina Sierra-Correa, Lindsey Smart, Neil Stein,
Hilary Stevens, Leo Thom, Bara Top, Marcos Valderrábano,
Celine van Bijsterveldt, Rowana Walton, Elizabeth Wamba,
Dominic Wodehouse, Thomas Worthington, Martin
Zimmer, Philine zu Ermgassen
Map credits
Administrative boundaries used in the basemaps are
provided by GADM (Global Administrative Areas)
version 3.6.
The Global Mangrove Alliance
The Global Mangrove Alliance is currently coordinated
by members Conservation International, The International
Union for the Conservation of Nature,
The Nature Conservancy, Wetlands International and
World Wildlife Fund.
Special thanks are offered to the UN Climate Convention
High Level Champions Mr. Nigel Topping and Dr. Mahmoud
Mohieldin, and to the following funders:
The designations employed and the presentation of
material in this work do not imply the expression of
any opinion on the part of the Global Mangrove
Alliance or any of its members concerning the legal status
of any country, territory, or area or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Suggested Citation: Leal, Maricé and Spalding, Mark D
(editors), 2022 The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022.
Global Mangrove Alliance.
Cover image: Persian Gulf, Iran
© Saeed Hadipoorsalestani, TNC Photo Contest
Designed and produced by Yoke www.yokedesign.studio
For further information:
www.mangrovealliance.org and
1 Introduction 01–14
1.1 Foreword
1.2 Executive summary
1.3 Setting the scene
2 The state of mangroves 1542
2.1 The world of mangroves
2.2 Changes & losses
2.3 Beyond the forests
2.4 Storing carbon
2.5 Mangrove sheries
2.6 Assessing the threat to mangroves
4 Progress and policy 63–82
4.1 Mangrove recognition on the world stage
4.2 The role of mangroves in climate & biodiversity
4.3 Progress in protection
4.4 Global Mangrove Watch
4.5 GMA national chapters
5 Meet our members 83–90
6 Final words 91–92
3 A focus on restoration 4362
3.1 Restoration opportunities
3.2 Restoration guidelines
3.3 Tools for scaling & success
3.4 Including local ecological knowledge in mangrove
conservation & restoration
© IUCN, Mangroves for the Future
The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022
The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022 Introduction
Prepared by the High Level Champions appointed under UN Climate Convention:
Building resilience to climate change
Healthy mangrove ecosystems are critical for global climate action – playing a key role in
carbon storage and in building resilience to a rapidly warming world.
Mangroves stabilize coastlines, reduce erosion, foster biodiversity growth and protect
coastal communities by building their adaptive capacity and making them more resilient
to the impacts of climate change, such as sea-level rise, storms and coastal erosion,
Mangroves prevent more than US$65 billion in property damages and reduce ood risk
to some 15 million people every year.
Beyond coastal protection, mangroves also help secure livelihoods and food security for
communities around the world. They provide a critical home and breeding ground for
sea creatures such as sh, oysters crabs and shrimps.
Additionally, mangroves sequester carbon at up to four times the rate of terrestrial
forests, making them indispensable allies in the race to a net zero world. The return
of restorable areas could support sequestration and ensure the maintenance of 0.35
gigatonnes (350 million megagrams) of carbon, stored in both aboveground biomass
and soil carbon.
There is a need for acceleration
Despite some progress in recent years, actions must
be scaled up to turn the tide on conserving and restoring
these vital trees to put a stop to severe depletion of
mangrove forests.
To contribute to delivering on the goals set by the
Race to Zero and Race to Resilience, we are committed
to mobilize action that supports the work of the Global
Mangrove Alliance (GMA) to ensure that mangrove
conservation, restoration and management is delivered
at pace and at scale.
The GMA, a Partner of the Race to Resilience, represents
a remarkable worldwide collaboration between NGOs,
governments, academics and communities, sharing
information, experience, opportunities and funding in
order to accelerate action on conservation and restoring
mangroves beyond what any one country or organization
can do alone. The GMA is a catalyst for accelerating
change and building a host of opportunities for coastal
communities and biodiversity around the planet.
The UN Climate Change High Level Champions are
working closely with the GMA as we approach COP27.
Our aim is to raise global ambition on mangrove
conservation and, in particular, to unlock public, private
and philanthropic nance, at scale, that complements
state action on the conservation and restoration of
mangrove ecosystems.
Evidence to compel stakeholders to act
Last year, the GMA released the inaugural State of the
World’s Mangroves report. This year, the report provides
an update on continued progress as well as new research
and tools. Once again, the GMA has brought together
leading experts in mangroves and climate to provide a
clear vision and path to put mangroves at the forefront
of climate adaptation and mitigation actions.
Although covering a relatively small area of our planet,
the report outlines the mammoth potential of mangroves,
not only on a global scale, but in their signicance for
people and entire communities that depend on them.
The science and gures in this report provide undeniable
evidence that we hope will compel stakeholders to
act immediately and mobilize capital where current
commitments fall short.
This scientic report is clear: if we want to implement
the promises made at COP26 and raise the level of
ambition to meet the Paris Agreement, we must look
to mangroves. The adaptive capacity and resilience of
millions of people living on the coasts depend on it.
stabilize coastlines,
reduce erosion, foster
biodiversity growth
and protect coastal
Nigel Topping
(COP26 High Level Climate Champion)
Dr. Mahmoud Mohieldin
(COP27 High Level Climate Champion)
The State of the World’s Mangroves 2022

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