
The State of Climate Action:
Major Course Correction
Needed from +1.5% to −7%
Annual Emissions
In collaboration with
Boston Consulting Group
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Forewords 3
Executive summary 4
1. Without much more dramatic action, 1.5°C will slip out of reach 5
2. National commitments and policies are still widely insufficient 8
3. Corporate climate action is progressing far too slowly 10
4. Green technologies and infrastructure are not scaling fast enough 12
5. The climate funding gap remains enormous 14
6. Mitigation action needs to drastically step up 16
Conclusion 17
Contributors 18
Endnotes 19
The State of Climate Action: Major Course Correction Needed from +1.5% to −7% Annual Emissions 2
Pim Valdre Head of Climate
Ambition Initiatives, World
Economic Forum
Patrick Herhold
Managing Director and Senior
Partner, Center for Climate
and Sustainability, Boston
Consulting Group
The State of Climate Action:
Major Course Correction Needed from +1.5% to −7% Annual Emissions
November 2023
The State of Climate Action: Major Course Correction Needed from +1.5% to −7% Annual Emissions 3
The picture that comes out of this white paper is in
line with the findings described in the UN’s global
stocktake report: we face a drastic gap in climate
action, taking us further from the 1.5°C path by
the day.1 This situation leaves us with no choice
but to double down on mitigation, focusing on
three imperatives for all actors. First, all countries
and companies should shift immediately towards
delivering shorter-term targets and actions and
making their net-zero transition plans public.
Second, climate actions, funding and global
coalitions should rigorously prioritize solutions
that promise immediate outsized impact, such as
value-chain decarbonization partnerships, faster
deployment of the most mature technologies – for
example, solar photovoltaics (PV), wind and electric
vehicles (EVs) – and related grid infrastructure and
reductions in methane emissions. Finally, we must
ensure a just transition, based on various levels
of economic and social capabilities, adaptation
challenges and responsibility, so that no one is
left behind.
Without far more dramatic action, 1.5°C will slip
out of reach and even “well under 2°C” will be at
high risk. A 1.5°C path now calls for reductions
in emissions of 7% every year until 2030; this is
more than the impact from COVID-19 and against
the current trend of a 1.5% annual increase. To
avoid catastrophic impacts on livelihoods and
economies, we need to drastically step up national
commitments and policies, corporate climate
action, green-technology scaling and funding.

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