
A Comprehensive
Package of
Policy Measures for
China’s Climate
Mitigation Strategy
Jean Chateau, Wenjie Chen, Florence Jaumotte, and Karlygash
© 2022 International Monetary Fund
IMF Working Paper
Asia and Pacific Department
A Comprehensive Package of Macroeconomic Policy Measures for Implementing China’s
Climate Mitigation Strategy
Authorized for distribution by Helge Berger
Jean Chȃteau, Wenjie Chen, Florence Jaumotte, and Karlygash Zhunussova1
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments
and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.
This paper presents ways for China to achieve its climate goals while also attain high-quality
growthgrowth that is balanced, inclusive, and green. Using a dynamic computable general
equilibrium model that is calibrated to China, multiple scenarios are considered that incorporate a
sequence of layered policies: (i) f rontloading mitigation with an earlier emissions peak, (ii) power
market ref orms, and (iii) economic rebalancing. The results highlight that these policies can
significantly contribute to the success of the climate strategy overall, including by lowering the
shadow price of carbon as well as t he associated mitigation costs. Distribution analysis offers
proposals to lessen the impact on vulnerable households.
JEL Classification Numbers: O53,Q54, O14, D58
Keywords: Chinese economy; climate policy; carbon neutrality; rebalancing;
Computable General Equilibrium model
Corresponding Authors E-Mail
Address: WChen@imf .org
1 The authors would like to thank Simon Black and Ian Parry for significant contributions to this paper. The paper
has also benefited significantly from comments by Helge Berger and seminar participants at the IMF.
ABSTRACT _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2
A. Introduction______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5
B. China’s Investment-Intensive Growth Model and Resulting Carbon Emissions _______________________ 9
C. Overview of Chinas Climate Targets___________________________________________________________________ 10
D. Other Climate Mitigation Initiatives ___________________________________________________________________ 12
E. Policy Simulations for Chinas Road to Net Zero ______________________________________________________ 15
I. BASELINE (BAU) SCENARIO _________________________________________________________________________ 16
II. BASE ACTION SCENARIO ___________________________________________________________________________16
III. EARLY EMISSIONS PEAK SCENARIO _____________________________________________________________17
IV. POWER MARKET REFORMS SCENARIO__________________________________________________________17
V. ECONOMIC REBALANCING SCENARIO ___________________________________________________________17
VI. SIMULATION RESULTS _____________________________________________________________________________18
VII. SECTORAL IMPACTS _______________________________________________________________________________ 22
VIII. DISTRIBUTIONAL ANALYSIS_____________________________________________________________________24
IX. POLICY IMPLICATIONS _____________________________________________________________________________ 25
A. Concluding Remarks____________________________________________________________________________________ 27
1. Impacts of Existing and Projected Climate Change____________________________________________________ 30
2. Chinas E TS: Design Deta ils _____________________________________________________________________________ 31
3: Brief Description of the IMF-ENV CGE Model__________________________________________________________ 32
4. Dis tr ibutio na l Ana lysis Outcomes b y Scenario_________________________________________________________ 35
5. Other Sectoral Policies__________________________________________________________________________________ 38
1. Glob al E ner gy-Rela ted CO2 E mis sions Pa thwa ys _______________________________________________________ 5
2. Historical GHG Emissions ________________________________________________________________________________ 5
3. Carbon Intensity of GDP, Selected Countries ___________________________________________________________ 9
4. GHG Emissions by Sector and Fuel Type, 2018 _________________________________________________________ 9
5. Chinas Newly Added and Retired Coal-Fir ed Capacity by Year, GWh ________________________________ 10
6. Illustrative Efficiency Frontier ___________________________________________________________________________ 10
7. ETS Trading Prices and Volumes _______________________________________________________________________ 12
8. Selected (National and EU Level) Carbon Pricing Schemes in 2021___________________________________ 13
9. Aggregate Demand and Current Account _____________________________________________________________ 17
10. CO2 Emission Paths by Policy Scenario _______________________________________________________________ 19

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