
Carbon Neutrality
White Paper
Introduction: Start the Journey to Baozuns Net Zero Carbon Emissions 01
Our Commitment to Carbon Neutrality 02
Outlook 23
About This Report 24
Carbon Neutrality Governance System 05
Climate Governance Framework 05
Promotion Mechanism For Carbon Neutrality Management 06
Climate Change Risks and Opportunities 07
Identification of Climate Change Risks and Opportunities 07
Management of Climate Change Risks 09
Our Carbon Neutrality Strategy 10
Focus: Deliver Low-carbon Products and Services 12
Drive: Build a Green E-commerce Ecology 15
Co-creation: Cooperation for a Sustainable Future 17
Indicators and Goals 19
Greenhouse Gas Emission Data 19
Scientific Setting of Carbon Emission Targets 21
Carbon Neutrality Roadmap 22
Baozun Inc.
Climate change poses a threat to the entire international
community, and China plays a vital role in global
climate governance. In 2020, Chinese President
Xi Jinping made a solemn commitment of "striving
to achieve peak carbon dioxide emissions by
2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060". Inevitably,
enterprises will need to make overall arrangements
in their medium and long-term strategies to meet
the ultimate goal of carbon neutrality.
As a leader in the brand e-commerce service industry
in China, Baozun Inc. (including its consolidated
subsidiaries and its variable interest entity and
its subsidiaries, hereinafter referred to as "the
Company" "Baozun" "Baozun Inc." or "we") serves
as a bridge between brands and consumers, and
shoulders the mission of building and guiding the
green and sustainable consumption and product
concepts. As such, we have formulated the goals
and commitments of Baozun Carbon Neutrality,
which will guide our enterprise through this critical
In 2021, we raised green and sustainable development
to a strategic level. We have established a climate
change governance framework and a supporting
mechanism for carbon neutrality management.
The Board of Directors fully oversees and takes
responsibility for the Companys climate strategy.
At the same time, we realize that the process of
achieving carbon neutrality goal raises higher
requirements for the Company's internal and
external environmental management capacity and
risk management capacity on climate-related risks.
To meet such requirements, we need to integrate
the concept of sustainable development into our
daily operations and corporate culture.
We are well aware that joint efforts of the whole
value chain are indispensable to realize the
green ecology of the industry and promote
responsible consumption. Therefore, in addition to
building a sound management plan, we will work
together with all stakeholders to practice green
sustainability, build a robust green e-commerce
ecology, and actively combat climate change.
Introduction: Start the Journey to Baozuns
Net Zero Carbon Emissions

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