
Emissions Measurement
in Supply Chains:
Business Realities and
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Executive summary
1 Sectoral snapshots
1.1 Agriculture and food
1.2 Mining
1.3 Steel
2 Implications
2.1 Features of well-functioning measurement systems
2.2 Existing initiatives point in the right direction
2.3 Key questions for future dialogue
Emissions Measurement in Supply Chains: Business Realities and Challenges 2
Executive summary
Increased visibility of supply chain emissions can
make a critical contribution to decarbonizing the
global economy. It can inform corporate decisions
around procurement, product design and research
and development (R&D), as well as financial
decision-making by investors. These promises
cannot be realized if market actors are unable to
meet reporting requirements, or if the resulting data
are not trustworthy. Policy-makers must therefore
carefully navigate the question of supply chain
emissions measurement.
In addition to measuring, reporting and addressing
their direct emissions (Scope 1) and indirect
emissions from purchased energy (Scope 2),
companies are increasingly facing far-reaching
expectations to track emissions from upstream and
downstream activities in their value chains (Scope 3).
Scope 3 reporting has largely been voluntary, driven
by consumer, buyer, investor, employee and civil
society expectations, among others. However, a
number of regulatory initiatives are underway to
make this a mandatory requirement.
Commonly used reporting standards provide some
guidance, but challenges remain as reporting
approaches proliferate; companies determine
different emission boundaries, and use different
calculation and allocation methods; data can be
costly, inaccurate or unavailable; and certification
mechanisms are not yet well established. The
complexity of global supply chains exacerbates
these challenges.
Business interviews also highlight sector-
specific challenges to measurement and
reporting. For example:
Agriculture and food: Farm production is
fragmented; differences in geography and
biological systems affect emissions, which
complicates estimates; comparability is difficult
where calculation methods vary; and small
producers lack the capacity to provide data.
Mining: Downstream emissions reporting
remains elusive due to the lack of verified data,
varied standards and limited incentives to work
with downstream actors; and for iron-ore and
coal producers, the steel industry is an important
customer but has several different standards.
Steel: There is a lack of common standards
and incomplete reporting; production
processes and technologies vary, as do their
environmental impact; as a share of total
emissions, Scope 3 is lower and downstream
reporting not well developed.
As there is no one-size-fits-all approach, industry
initiatives have played an important role in testing
different measurement approaches and gradually
bringing about alignment among members in some
sectors. Especially where supply chains are complex,
concerns about substantial costs and other burdens
remain. Questions also arise on how emissions
that fall outside companies’ direct management or
ownership should best be addressed.
Well-functioning, interoperable systems for
measuring emissions can support decarbonization
of the global economy. They must balance
accuracy with feasibility, particularly for small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and firms in
developing countries. Otherwise, there is a real risk
that measurement and reporting obligations reduce
competitiveness and act as barriers to trade, while
not achieving their main purpose: fostering effective
climate action globally.
The key questions for policy-makers, businesses
and the broader community include:
How to strike the right balance between
accuracy and feasibility?
How can governments support the
development of common standards?
How can governments encourage interoperability?
How will measurement and reporting be verified?
How can small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
and firms in developing countries be supported?
How can digital tools help?
Measuring and reporting emissions in supply
chains can be a key lever for decarbonization
globally, but inclusive discussions are needed
to standardize approaches
Emissions Measurement in Supply Chains: Business Realities and Challenges 3

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