在线视频碳影响测算白皮书(Carbon impact of video streaming)VIP专享VIP免费

of video
Carbon impact of video streaming Acknowledgments
We are extremely grateful to all of the following who
contributed their time and expertise into the process
of developing this white paper, and between them
provided a combination of valuable insights and
information, and supported the review process of
various drafts of the white paper.
Chloe Fletcher and Jigna Chandaria - BBC
Louise Krug and Penny Guarnay - BT
Christian Toennesen, Glynn Roberts and Catherine Van Loo -
Carnstone Partners
Damien Lieber and Tyler Marcus - Engie Impact
Jens Malmodin - Ericsson Research
George Kamiya - International Energy Agency (IEA)
Clare Phillips, Gareth Barr, Julia Giannini and Tim Davis - ITV
Jonathan Koomey - Koomey Analytics
Arman Shehabi - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Emma Stewart, Juan Carlos Ivars and Sergio Vinay - Netix
Lena De Geer and Örjan Åberg - Nordic Entertainment
Group (NENT)
Anna Ma and Marianne Matthews - Sky
Emma Fryer - techUK
Daniel Schien and Paul Shabajee - University of Bristol
Eric Masanet - University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
This white paper was made possible by seed funding from
Netix to DIMPACT with the opportunity for all DIMPACT
members to contribute. Extensive consultation with various
DIMPACT members (as listed in the acknowledgements
above) was undertaken, and very useful review and feedback
was provided. The Carbon Trust had full editorial control of
the white paper, and is responsible for the content. The views
and opinions expressed in this white paper are those of the
Carbon Trust and do not necessarily reect the views or
position of any of the reviewers or contributors.
June 2021
Carbon impact of video streaming Acknowledgments
Carbon Trust team
Andie Stephens, Associate Director
Chloe Tremlett-Williams, Analyst
Liam Fitzpatrick, Analyst
Luca Acerini, Senior Analyst
Matt Anderson, Manager
Noor Crabbendam, Analyst
Flora Buchanan, Brand Designer
About the Carbon Trust
Established in 2001, the Carbon Trust works with
businesses, governments and institutions around the
world, helping them contribute to, and benet from, a more
sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource
eciency strategies, and commercialising low carbon
businesses, systems and technologies.
The Carbon Trust:
works with corporates and governments, helping them to
align their strategies with climate science and meet the
goals of the Paris Agreement;
provides expert advice and assurance, giving investors and
nancial institutions the condence that green nance will
have genuinely green outcomes; and
supports the development of low carbon technologies and
solutions, building the foundations for the energy system
of the future.
Headquartered in London, the Carbon Trust has a global
team of over 200 staff, representing over 30 nationalities,
based across ve continents.
DIMPACT is a collaborative project, convened by Carnstone,
with world-class researchers from the University of
Bristol and thirteen of the world’s most innovative media
companies. DIMPACT participating companies are: BBC, BT,
Cambridge University Press, Channel 4, dentsu international,
Informa, ITV, Nordic Entertainment Group, Netix, Pearson,
RELX, Schibsted, and Sky. DIMPACT developed originally
out of the Responsible Media Forum in 2015, with a group
of companies that wanted to better understand the GHG
emissions of their digital media products and services.
DIMPACT was formed in 2019, and started working with
the University of Bristol Department of Computer Science
to develop a tool that provides assessment modules for the
GHG emissions of digital publishing, advertising services,
business intelligence, and video streaming.

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